Midterm # 2 covers chapters: 4, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13

Which of the following is NOT one of the three most important reasons why organizations employ teams according to the text?

Avoid employee conflicts among one another

Which of the following increases the likelihood of a team's success?

A clearly defined purpose,
Authority to make decisions
Both A and B

Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective team?

Members hold themselves and each other accountable for mishaps

An encourager, a harmonizer, and a compromiser would all be examples of:

Socio-emotional roles

During which stage of group development do group members become more opinionated about how the project should be run and their roles within the team?


Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies to increase team performance according to the text?

Knowledge Sharing

Open discussion and the freedom to air opinions within a comfortable environment describe which characteristic of effective teams?

Good communication

Members of a(n) __________ team have been grouped together to complete complex tasks, solve difficult problems, and/or innovate new ideas.


A functional team might include representatives from a company's design, marketing, and financial departments.


Displaying each team members' achievements publically via e-mail, bulletin boards, etc. increases the members' identifiability.


What 2 types of behaviors do we need on a team?

Task and maintenance

What types of diversity are beneficial to a team?

perspective, experience, and expertise.

do teams make better decisions that individuals?

Yes, take more risk, cant play it safe.

Jim provides employees the opportunity to self-manage and make decisions over their own work processes. His leadership style is best described as:


The degree to which someone is able to exert influence depends on the type of authority bestowed upon the leader.


Leadership behaviors that encourage ethical and moral perspectives are best classified as which type of leadership?


Which type of leadership employs position power or legitimate power to exert influence over others?


A manager with a score of a (9, 1) on the Managerial Grid would be categorized as:

Authority-Compliance Management

According to the contingency theory model, which of the following situations would be the best match for a low LPC leader?

Poor leader-member relations, low task structure, weak position power

There are two types of positional power - referent and expert.


Power is the ability to coerce.


The behavioral perspective focuses on identifying effective leaders through personal characteristics that are difficult to obtain or cannot be learned.


. __________ power is how a manager influences people through the threat of or actual negative consequences for undesired actions.


Leadership is a choice, not a title, What does this mean?

You don't have to wait to have a title be a leader.

which leadership practice do these statements belong to ?

LPI (inspiring a shared vision)statements
i treat others with dignity and respect
i actevely listhen to diverse ponts of view.

From my heart to your heart

leaders know how to get people emotionaly

________ is when information about the situation, goals, or criteria is incomplete or can be interpreted in many ways.


This type of analysis isolates the variables in a system that can truly be addressed through management intervention.


Which of the following is NOT a factor that determines a situation's level of certainty?


According to the chapter, what is one of the possible reasons for the 1987 NASA disaster?


If a problem is very specialized, which of the following techniques is most effective?

Individual brainstorming

When a decision is made based on beliefs or assumptions despite evidence to the contrary, it is known as a(n):

Prior-hypothesis bias

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the classical decision-making model?

Considers limitations in information availability, time, and individual cognitive processing

Group brainstorming is beneficial when a problem is:

Both B and C

Saying that "this has never worked in the past, it won't work in the future," is an example of:

Prior-hypothesis bias

Which pattern of behavior is shown when a manager applies a short-term fix that results in long-term, unintended consequences?

Balancing correction

What when wron in a tale of a major department store in santa monica?

They where measuring the wrong thing., wrong goal

What is BHAG?

A Big Hairy Audacious Goal

which of these 5 is not part of a Smart Goal?


All of these are available to measure coarse effectiveness except?

Student performance

is our goal proximal or distal?

Distal, far out

Runners preparing for a marathon usually follow a training schedule involving daily runs of specified times and distances, cross-training, and days of rest. This integrated series of lower-level, short-term goals to provide the foundation and motivation f

A means-end chain

Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of S.M.A.R.T. goals?


Which of the following is NOT an example of the pitfalls of goal setting?

Using goals as a baseline for performance

People will be more committed to a goal if:

The task itself is important to them

Earning a college degree is an example of a __________ goal, while earning a good grade on this week's exam is an example of a _________ goal.

Distal, proximal

President John F. Kennedy's announcement in 1961 of U.S. intentions to achieve the first human moon landing by the end of the decade is an example of which if the following?

Stretch goal

An organization's grandest aspiration for the future, one that differentiates it from all its competitors, is known as:

A Big Hairy Audacious Goal

A visual representation of an organization's strategies and goals, which allows managers to track progress toward metrics and goals immediately, is called a:

Performance dashboard

A balanced scorecard augments traditional financial measures with benchmarks for performance in each of the following key nonfinancial areas EXCEPT:

A company's relationship with shareholders

A standing plan is:

A plan designed for repeated use in response to commonly occurring events

How would you make the following decision, Yellow light


How would you make the following decision, Saturday night plans with fiends?


How would you make the following decision,Post college career

Bounded rationality

How would you make the following decision, Wedding venue


What do we mean by tip of the iceberg?

it is the root cause of the problem

in the case of the missing keys what was the main problem with their problem solving or decision making?

Selective screening of information

often only gets us to a good enough solution


Monitoring positive and negative customer feedback and improving the organization's products and services accordingly is known as:

Reactive engagement

The primary purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to:

Outlaw discrimination based on race and gender in schools, housing, and hiring.

___________ forces are the behaviors and beliefs associated with demographic groups that comprise an organization's available talent and customers.


According to the text, the veterans' generation tends to see works as________, the baby boomers generation tends to see work as __________, generation X tends to see work as_________, and the millennial generation tends to see work as____________.

an obligation, an exciting adventure, a difficult challenge, a means to an end.

Managers can use Forced-Choice Analysis as an aid in the decision-making process by analyzing the forces for and against change.


Which of the following is discussed in the text as a key strategy in leading change?


In terms of making changes to the structure of a system, Donella Meadows at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) believes in the power of different types of _________or "places in the system where a small change could lead to a large shift in b

leverage points

Unlike industry-specific regulations, _____________ forces relate to most, if not all, businesses.

political and legal

Generic and store brand products are good examples of which of the following strategies?

Cost leadership

What is the appropriate action for an organization or product that is a Question Mark according the BCG Matrix?

Invest heavily in order to achieve Star status

External and internal forces

We cant change things outside of our control , what we can do is we change things inside our control/

Swot analysis

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

we identify factors in the external environment to understand, what?

opportunities, threats

we identify factors in the internal environment to understand, what?

strength and weaknesses

All of these items are part of your general environment except?


All these factors affect the USPS, except?

the economy

What are people typical response to change?

Varies from person to person, no typical response

Strategy formulation is the responsibility of senior management only, true or false


What are the 2 types of competitive advantage?

Cost and differentiation advantage

What the definition of differentiation advantage?

Value and/or uniqueness beyond price