ANTHRO FINAL: chapter 17-22

first wave feminism

-focus was the very nature and structure of society that prevented/subverted women freedom and independence
primarily involved the struggle for suffrage for women, many years of demonstrations, parades, prison terms, and other abuses were endured by women

second wave feminist

term used to describe serious challenge to the patriarchal norm that was posed by the Civil Rights act of 1964, establishment of the National Organization for Women in the 1960's, and a push for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
-this period

Phyllis Schlafly

1970s; a new right activist that protested the women's rights acts and movements as defying tradition and natural gender division of labor; rallied for patriarchal forces to fight for the "proper" Judo-Christian notion of women as someone who was to serve

focus of second wave feminist

freedom and opportunity to enjoy all the rights and privileges men enjoyed, at home, in the workplace, and political sphere

liberal feminist

argued the current system should be reformed to allow for the total inclusion of women into the social order; this could be done by changing the way individuals conceive of the social system and passing laws that would ensure the equality of women

radical feminist

sought to revolutionize rather than reformation, it is the system itself that is the problem

liberal feminist vs radical feminist

radical feminist approach is superior for which liberal feminist seeks to reform laws to stop abuse of women can only go so far, women who embrace only the liberal approach will always be stuck with defining themselves vis-s-vis men and will never be able

essentialist mentality

crates divisions where none naturally exist

gender ideology will eventually

move through the same social stages as the race ideology

stages of failed gender ideology

1st data base awareness, 2nd legal challenges, 3rd cultural language on women's issues

gender manifest itself today

not an ontologically independent entity but rather as a conceptual construct that is based on patriarchal notions of femininity and masculinity

flaws of standard gender model

1) doesn't reflect the empirical reality of human behavior
2) forces individuals to adopt a false culturally-sanctioned persona
3) encouraged the mistreatment of those whose behaviors fall outside the acceptable purview of gender behavior resulting in hor

a world where gendering is no concern

a world where people arnt forced and coerced to accept pre-fabricated culturally approved and divinely inspired standard, normative; people would fall on every level of the continuum
-individuals would be free to assume their natural behavior tendencies w

standard gender model vs nature

humankind has never been able to make peace with nature, culture is result of humans forcing nature to accommodate ideology when, so much ignorance and suffering could have been avoided if humans had instead crafted an ideology that accommodates nature

gender is a fictional paradigm

this paradigm has historically accommodated the aspirations and desires of only one group, those categorized as "male" and "masculine" and all others women, gays and lesbians transgendered, have all suffered great harm at the hands of the normative gender


the tendency of the believer to tribute all goodness to God instead of nature
ex: sick person with cancer on death bed, loved ones asking God in prayer for recovery, and if he recovers they give it all to the power and glory of God instead of Science that

one-two punch that failed ages of misogyny

combining the power of religion to encourage and engender irrational thought with the religious claims that are made about our world

culturally favored "truths

supported by faith, hope, and optimism

problem with religion

goes beyond claims and writings of scriptures and other influential perpetrators of patriarchy to the very foundation of epistemology itself; a epistemology that encourages and engenders irrational thinking totally untethered to the empirical reality of o

culture-based/faith-based epistemology

there is almost continuous exposure to the content of religion but also culture-based/faith-based epistemology and the child is essentially brainwashed into accepting the notion that the relevance of data is measured by how consonant they are to assumed n

destroying patriarchy two-fold

the destruction of the epistemology that engenders and sustains patriarchy as well as the eradication of the harmful products of patriarchy

enculturation is a powerful influence

in developing consciousness of a individual it can potentially overcome and abrogate even empirical knowledge of our world

tabula rosa

blank slate we were born with; cultural behavior/ideology upon which is based is learned and is EXTRAGENETIC; no one is born pre-adapted to worship a certain God/god or to worship anything at all for that matter

knowledge" rather than "truth

natural world and phenomena that manifest themselves empirically, human nature including behavior and biology; it is imperative that we cease thinking in terms of "truth" but rather in terms of knowledge
-knowledge= what we actually know ab the world is t

knowledge is objective

two things must be true to be objective:MUST BE TESTABLE AND PUBLICLY VERIFIABLE , must be accepted by a universal audience regardless of ethnicity, religious background, historical experiences, values and so on
"knowledge beyond culture" all peoples and

universal epistemology replacing culture/faith based epistemology

production of empirical knowledge will replace the enculturation of cultural fantasy, theories and laws based on hypothesis testing/deduction-induction will replace dogmas grounded on faith, hope, and optimism; universal consensus of empirical knowledge w

enculturation and dissemination of cultural lore

what we are attempting here is individuals sense of basic human dignity, justice, and morality
-we must make extremely clear that the standard gender paradigm is empirically erroneous and immoral
-we must expose the fallacies, fantasies, and falsehood of

products of patriarchy that cause disproportionate amount of suffering

marginalization, debasement of women (standard gender model), the privilege voice mentality, and religion

dismantling standard gender model

if we did so we could restore unconditional liberty and autonomy to women
1st) reproductive freedom for women is absolutely essential in this regard
at present: increased population of the republican party and its religious fundamentalist wing, the clock

conservatives attempt to take away rights of women

are seeking to take America back to a time when women "knew their place" and are now endeavoring to roll back the availability of contraception with their attempt to shut down planned parenthood and by employing the "religious liberty" ruse to restrict th

ending standard patriarchal beauty norms

should be met with protest: stop patronizing corporations, businesses, and magazine publishers who disseminate totally unrealistic beauty standards for women so that they can continue to profit from women attempt to meet those standards

we must stop teaching gender to our children

by guiding and sometimes forcing young boys and girls into one of the two fictional, essentialist gender categories, we are aiding and abetting the standard, patriarchal model of gender and raising yet another generation of domestic abusers and obsequious

existentialism: in regards to religion

those who are spiritual are willing at least to some extent, to critique the cultural ideology into which they were born


are often atheist and irreligious as the notion of God/gods and religion are viewed as being artifacts of ancient cultures that have been carried into the modern age by social inertia powered by those in positions of authority

privileged voice mentality

product of patriarchy that provides sociopolitical context that facilitates other harmful products
ex: heteronormativity, standard gender model, and religion
postmodernism says:those in power and position of authority control public discourse and they do

all privileged groups

are males who managed to wrest control of society away from their competitors, from that point the group in power reserved for itself the right to pass laws and control the social organizations that were tasked to enforce those laws

judeo-christian privileged group

described as: white, male, christian, conservative, heterosexual and wealthy

1950s African American civil rights, 1970s women liberation, 1980s gays and lesbians, 1990s transgender

movements in order

establishment clause

1st amendment: church snd state are separate and free speech

equal protection clause

14th amendment: every one is treated equally

cultural absolutism

privileged groups view their absolute power and authority and their ability to control others as indications that their ideology is right, true, good
it is: conservative and monolithic since its invulnerable to change or alteration
-misogyny has become in

social homogeneity

idea that there's one way, its the proper way, and all should act this way
-cultural absolutism and religious fundamentalism both act to limit and restrict behavioral and ideological options such to an extent that only a very narrow range of responses to

patriarchy is sustained by

cultural fantasy, bullying of those in positions of power and authority, the denial of nature, the denigration and defamation of women

exclusivity over inclusivity and control over autonomy

two common themes of patriarchy

race, gender, religion

three sociocultural constructs that illustrate the exclusivity and control of patriarchy

violent resistance, propagandized discourse, legislation

any disenfranchised group that dares to challenge the status quo, that desires to wine for itself some measure of autonomy and liberty is met with

privileged voice would be met with multivocality

the current state of affairs is the unfortunate culmination of decades of the marginalized and social control of women
significant for 2 reasons:
1)congress is the primary law-making and policy creating body in the US with the ability to take health care

a true multivocal society

women would have representation, be seated in legislative bodies in numbers that are proportionate to their demographic presence in this country
-no longer would groups of white, christian, conservative males have the power to enact legislation that seeks

pared down, simplistic, culturized, version of the world would be replaced by a more mature, realistic, and empirical perspective

patriarchy denies gender, diversity of sexuality, diversity of phenotypes, and diversity of religiosity, patriarchy then at the most fundamental level is grounded upon: exclusivity, bigotry, and ignorance
-seeks to deny: human nature and the natural world

death of patriarchy

we will move beyond the childish, intellectually timid, fictional view of the world, one that serves the desires and aspirations of the privileged in positions of power and authority- to a mature, intellectually ingenuous and empirical view of the world t

control of persons would be replaced by the autonomy of individuals

patriarchy is grounded and sustained by the control of others who are neither in position of power and authority nor have ready access to those in positions of power and authority
-women, people of color, immigrants, atheist, gays and lesbians all have be

patriarchal control of others ripped away

natural, human desire to craft a life that is meaningful and instead has produced populations of individuals who seem happy to assume the paradigmatic role of the ideal cultural person

patriarchy free world

characterized by permissiveness rather than discipline, by possibility not proscription, creativity rather than regulation, by expression not oppression, autonomy not control

cultural devaluation of women will be replaced with a model of humanity that classifies all individuals as Homo sapiens sans gender and ethnic categories allowing for women to assume their rightful place as equal and autonomous members of humankind

women have been designated as subordinate beings, derived from man not God, their natural state stands in contradistinction to the God-given cultural man, women are thus the enemies of not only men but of culture itself
with the death of patriarchy: the a