american history- 50's, 60's, 70's vocab


invasion of this country by soviets led to unpopular reprisals by carter

Agnew, Spiro

Nixon's Vice President who was forced to resign

Bay of Pigs

worst blunder by Kennedy's presidency

Berlin Wall

barrier constructed between Russian in east Germany and western democracies

Brown vs Topeka

supreme court decision changed by U.S. public schools

Camp David Accords

peace treaty by Israel and Egypt- president carter

Carter, James Earl

1976 winner of election

Castro, Fidel

Became communist leader of Cuba

Checker's Speech

Famous TV address by Richard Nixon kept his political career moving upward

Civil Rights Act of 1964

act banned racial discrimination in most private facilities. open to the public


cointerintelligence with false accusations against peace movement

Cuban Missle Crisis

the closest the world has come to nuclear warin American history

Dean, John III

white house lawyer- president had obstructed justice


battle between French and Vietnamese- split vietnam

double-digit inflation

problem had caused OPEC during the latter part of the 1970's

Eisenhower, Dwight

34th president 1953-1961 5 star general in US army WW2

fast food

introduced in 1948 company in California McDonald's

Faubus, Orval

Arkansas governor that called in National guard to keep blacks out of school

Federal Highway Act

massive construction during the new deal dwarfed anything done

Ford, Gerald

1st unelected president- 38th president

Frieden, Betty

woman who launched modern women's movement

Fulbright, William

senator who became political leader of peace movement

kent state

university where students were killed protesting the Vietnam war


counterculture group in the 1960s. "Acid Rock" against traditional way

Ho Chi Minh

Communist leader of Vietnam

Johnson, Lyndon

Democratic Vice President 1960

Kennedy, John F. (JFK)

winner of 1960 election- 35th president

Kennedy, Robert (Bobby)

John Kennedy attorney general. anti-war senator from NY and ran for president in 1968

Killing Fields

Massive killing in Cambodia after Vietnam war

Leave it to Beaver

TV show life of American in the 1950s

Malcom X

black nationalist murdered in 1965

McCarthy, Joseph

senator who accused people in the government for being communist

McNamara, Robert

CEO of Ford Motor Co. became the secretary of denfense


health insurance for the elderly

Meredith, James

enrolled in the university of Mississippi 1962. cost of diploma- $4 million

Milliken vs. Bradley

supreme curt ruling could not require students to go across district lines

Miranda vs. Arizona

Supreme Court read rights to accuse criminals

Parks, Rosa

college educated black woman who refused to give up seat on bus

Peace Corps

army volunteers to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries


mideast oil producing began 1960 stronghold on western economy

Operation Rolling Thunder

all out bombing of north vietnam

Rock N' Roll

new musical style which crossed racial lines

Roe vs. Wade

Supreme Court that legalized abortion

Rusk, Dean

John Kennedy's secretary of state

Tet Offensive

turning point in Vietnam war

Title IX

law prohibited sex discrimination in federally assisted programs or activities

Tonkin Gulf Resolution

Blank check to use further force in southeast Asia

Treaty of Paris 1973

Agreement that ended the Vietnam War

Viet Cong

Name given by Diem government for south Vietnamese rebels


black ghetto in LA that exploded in summer of 1965