Industrial Psych Exam 4


predict future performance & success


systematic procedure for observing behavior & describing it with numerical scales or fixed categories

Computer Adaptive testing

computer tests that get easier or harder based on earlier questions

Speed vs Power tests

speed: easy test you complete quickly
power: difficult tests with no time limit

Individual vs group tests

individual: administered to one person at a time
group: administered to groups

Paper-pencil vs performance tests

paper-pencil: on scantron or computer
performance: require manipulation of an object or piece of equipment


consistency of measurement


the extent to which a test measures or predicts what it is supposed to (accurate)

Validity coefficient (r)

correlation between predictor and criterion; used to predict performance
higher r-value = better predictor

General Cognitive Ability (Wanderlic Personnel test)

commonly used to predict performance; predicts performance similarly across western cultures

Specific cognitive ability tests

used to predict performance in a particular job

Spatial Ability test

involves geometry, visualizing agents, rotating them

Mechanical ability tests

gauge your ability to use tools

Clerical ability tests

focuses on speed, accuracy, processing verbal & numerical data

Emotional intelligence (EI) test

ability to efficiently deal with own & others emotions

Psychomotor tests

coordination tests; speed & accuracy of motor functions

Personality Tests

assess individual characteristics

Integrity tests

Honesty tests; assess attitudes towards theft, cheating, lying; predict CWB's

Work samples

replica of job; may include a battery of different tests combined into one
EX: situational judgement test

situational judgement tests (SJT)

responding to hypothetical situations

In-basket tests

individual exercises where the individual is to act as the manager and solve some problem

Leaderless group discussion

group assigned to discuss an issue & are observed by raters; assessed on various dimensions, such as communication skills & aggression

Biographical information

information that describes individual history (resume)

Application blank

questions about previous work/educations


personal history info that includes past behaviors

structure interviews

define specific questions & are consistent

unstructured interviews

no consistency; "what is one of your weaknesses

situational interview

respond to questions of specific situations

behavior description

sharing past behaviors related to future tasks

Realistic job preview (RJP)

glimpse of what the job will be like; can gauge organizations climate, culture, interpersonal relationships

When considering an employee for selection, what information do we need to know first?

job analysis, KSAOs

When considering an employee for selection, what predictors do we use?

relates to knowing KSAOs of job & applicant

When considering an employee for selection, how do we know if our predictor is valid?

predictive validity & concurrent validity

When considering an employee for selection, what legal issues may be present when hiring?

unintentional discrimination


process of encouraging qualified applicants to seek employment with a particular company

Person-environment fit

agreement between an individuals KSAOs & values, and the demands & characteristics of the job and organization.


use of social media as background screening

Predictive validation

predictors measured before hiring, criteria measured months into the job

Concurrent Validation

gather both predictors & performance criteria simultaneously from current employees, compute the validity coefficient

Validity shrinkage

Validity of selection battery will always be highest for sample on which it was validated; other samples will be lower
smaller difference = more valid

Validity Generalization

demonstrate that test validates do not vary across situations

situational specificity

the belief that test validities are specific to particular situations

Synthetic validity

validity is inferred based on the links between job components

Multiple cutoffs approach

selection process using cutoff scores or passing scores; ensures applicant meets the standard for the position across all predictors

Multiple hurdle approach

predictors assessed in a predetermined order, arranged from least to most expensive, have to meet cutoff score of the 1st predictor before moving onto the next
More cost efficient that multiple cutoffs

Multiple regression

compensatory approach (weighted predictors); high score on one predictor can make up for low scores on others


the degree to which the selection battery is useful & cost efficient

Decision accuracy

an accurate selection battery will have high validity when you maximize hits & correct rejections while minimizing false alarms & misses
validity of zero = random hiring

Base Rate

percentage of current employees who are successful on the job

Selection ratio

number of job openings divided by number of applicants

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Equal Opportunity & treatment regardless of race, religion, gender, national origin, color

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

set legal guidelines for employee selection; technical guide for the development of selection procedures

Employment at wills

employees & employers have the right to terminate employment at ANYTIME ; for any reason or no reason at all

Adverse impact

80% rule of thumb; discrimination occurs in the selection rate for the group (minority) is less than 80% of the selection rate for the group (majority) with highest selection rate; may be considered unintentional discrimination

Affirmative Action

increasing number of minorities in a targeted job; NOT a quota system, but quotas may emerge as a parallel

Gratz v. Bollinger (2003)

Univ. of Michigan undergrad admin
2 white applicants denied admin although qualified
preference given to under representative minorities
granted 20 points to all minorities (1/5 necessary points)
court ruled in favor of plaintiffs, univ ignored individual

Grutler v. Bollinger (2003)

Univ. of Michigan law school
White female argued denied admin due to racial pref.
court ruled in favor of univ., citing diversity is important to education & student body
race considered a "plus" but did not assign fixed parts based on race & considered d

Equal Pay Act (1963)

it is illegal to provide unequal pay & benefits to men and women who are doing equal work

Ledbetter fair pay act

unfair discrimination occurs every time one is affected (each paycheck), thus the statutes of limitations doesn't run out