Leadership and management test


The term _________ describes the systemic evaluation and analysis of information to make decisions.


Yousuf, a manager at a restaurant, has the ability to deal with numerous problems at once and provide effective solutions. He has the ability to map many problems into one network, and he makes decisions that benefit the organization in the short and the

flexible; spontaneous

Intuitive thinking approaches problems in a _________ and _________ fashion.

are comfortable with abstraction and unstructured situations

Sensation thinkers differ from intuitive thinkers as intuitive thinkers


When a manager chooses the first alternative that comes to one's attention and good enough to meet the needs, it is called a _____ decision.

cost-benefit analysis

Comparing advantages and disadvantages or positives and negatives of each potential course of action is known as

five-step; identifying and defining the problem; evaluating results

Decision making is a __________ process that begins with __________ and ends with

generate and evaluate alternative solutions

Nicole is trying to solve a problem that has resulted in defective products. She has understood that the problem is due to a technical failure and has realized that it has to be corrected immediately to avoid further loss. The next step in Nicole's decisi

Identify and define the problem that is causing the productivity issues

Aara does not seem to be as productive as she usually is. Afreen, her manager, is concerned about her performance. Afreen wants to talk to Aara and solve the problem. Which of the following is the first step Afreen should take in the decision-making proce

Option C: representativeness bias

We cannot rely on Stephen. He also worked for the same company Anna did. And we all know how little we could rely on her." This statement is an example of a(n)


Without control, the process of __________ lacks the follow-through needed to ensure that things work out as intended.

top management

Even though the time frames of planning may be shrinking, __________ is/are still responsible for setting longer-term plans and directions for the organization as a whole

They ideally set forth the goals and objectives needed to accomplish the organization's vision

Which of the following is true of strategic plans?

A policy sets a broad guideline, but a procedure defines precise actions to be taken.

What is the primary difference between a policy and a procedure?


_____ plans, like policies and procedures, are designed for use over and over again


Elliot Jacques's findings on planning horizons find that most people work comfortably with only _____ time spans.

tactical plan

A(n) _____ helps to implement all or parts of a strategic plan

Best practices

_____ are things people and organizations do that lead to superior performance

Objectives; plan

________ identify the specific results or desired outcomes that one intends to achieve, while a ________ is a statement of action steps to be taken for accomplishing those results.

contingency planning

Although one can't always predict when things will go wrong, it can be anticipated that they will. For such moments, _____ identifies alternative courses of action to take.

economic order quantity

The __________ form of inventory control automatically orders a fixed number of items every time an inventory level falls to a predetermined point.

the ability to meet short-term obligations.

According to financial controls, liquidity measures

use resources efficiently and operate at minimum cost.

In the context of financial controls, asset management refers to the ability to

Return on assets =

Net Income/Total Assets.

What is a balanced scorecard?

It tallies organizational performance in financial, customer service, internal process, and innovation and learning areas

The purpose of controlling is to

make sure plans are achieved and that actual performance meets or surpasses objectives.

Feedback controls

__________ controls ask the question: "Now that we are finished, how did we do?

What gets measured tends to happen.

In the measurement step of the control process, which statement is accurate

management by exception.

The practice of giving attention to situations that show the greatest need for action is called

A Gantt chart differs from a PERT chart in that a Gantt chart

Option C: helps with event or activity sequencing to make sure that things get accomplished in time for later work to build upon them.

ABC International just created a statement that expresses the organization's reason for existence in society. It can be described as its


Computer talent

Which of the following is NOT an example of an operating objective?

Corporate governance

______________ is (are) the system of control and performance monitoring of top management


What is it called when a business closes and sells its assets to pay creditors


Acquiring or investing in new and different businesses is which type of growth strategy


Decreasing the size of operations is called

dogs, stars, question marks, and cash cows

The BCG Matrix analysis sorts businesses or products into four strategic types


A clear sense of mission helps managers act in ways so that the organization inspires the support and respect of _____, the individuals and groups directly affected by the organization and its strategic accomplishments

sustainable competitive advantage

A __________ is the ability to outperform rivals in ways that are difficult or costly to imitate.

financial resources

Typical sources of competitive advantage are technology, cost and quality, knowledge and speed, barriers to entry, and

financial documents

Reading an organization chart should help you learn the basics of an organization's formal structure. This includes all of the following EXCEPT

Which of the following is NOT one of the basics of an organization's structure that can be learned by reading an organization chart?

Informal relationships among employees

the chain of command

The line of authority that vertically links each position with successively higher levels of management is called

Virtual organizations

What do we call boundaryless organizations that use IT and the Internet to engage a shifting network of strategic alliances?

informal structure

Behind every formal structure typically lies a(n) _____, which is the set of unofficial relationships among an organization's members.


Brendon, a software engineer at Re-Soft Inc., has to report to two managers at the same time, a functional manager and a team manager. In the context of divisional structures, Brendon is working in a _____ structure.


LMZ Inc. functions with systematic order and a hierarchical system of management. It is characterized by formal channels of communication. The employees of the firm are required to strictly abide by the formal rules of the company. LMZ Inc. is a(n)

achieves a good match between structure and situational contingencies

The best organizational design is the one that

It overcomes the disadvantages of a functional structure, such as the functional chimneys problem.

Which of the following is true of a divisional structure?

They increase costs through the duplication of resources and efforts across divisions

Which of the following is a disadvantage of divisional structures?

All of the choices are correct.

Which of the following is a method for dealing with resistance to change?

Which of the following is NOT a reason why people may resist change?



Which change strategy is known to usually produce limited results because people respond out of fear of punishment or hope for a reward?


_________ change results in a major and comprehensive redirection of the organization.


Managers who use the shared power strategy of planned change need _____ power, meaning that others positively identify with them

core culture

The __________ consists of the core values, or underlying assumptions and beliefs that shape and guide people's behaviors in an organization

core values

Observable culture, within an organization, includes all of the following EXCEPT

your tolerance for ambiguity

It is important to find a good fit between your personal preferences and the pace and nature of change in the career field and organizations in which you choose to work. To achieve this fit, you have to understand

Incremental change

__________ is at the lowest level in an organizational change pyramid

top-down change

Edward, the director of Grover Inc., decides to make some changes in the structure of his organization. He believes that this will improve the performance of the organization. This change is an example of

person-job fit

Richard wants to hire Mark for a position as a security guard in his company. In his interview with Mark, Richard asks Mark if he has any previous experience as a security guard. Richard is trying to assess Mark's

employers can terminate employees at any time for any reason

The employment-at-will doctrine assumes that

give an owner the right to buy shares of stock at a future date at a fixed price

Stock options

They should not measure factors indirectly relevant to job performance.

Which of the following is required for performance appraisal methods to be reliable and valid?

It brings outsider applicants with fresh perspectives, expertise, and work experience

Which of the following is an advantage of external recruitment?

Bonus pay

__________ plans provide one-time payments based on performance accomplishments

job descriptions

Part of the foundation for human resource planning is the development of __________ which detail the duties and responsibilities of a job holder

assume you have no privacy at work.

Until the legal status of employee surveillance through the use of information technology is clarified, the best advice for everyone is

Sexual orientation

Which of the following is NOT one of the prohibitions in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (as amended)?

Creating a profit center from a quality workforce

Which of the following is NOT one of the major responsibilities of human resource management?