Employment staffing final

Which of the following is a criteria for resources to provide a sustained competitive advantage?

Valuable, inimitable, rate=ALL OF ABOVE

Axis auto tries to keep its operational spending as low as possible so that it can pass its savings on to customers in the form of lower prices. This is known as a ____ strategy

Cost leadership

When a firm pursues a differentiation strategy, it is attempting to ____

Develop products that have unique characteristics

Organic growth takes place when an organization ____

Expands from within by operating new factories or stores

Bella Vista Inc. needs to hire a new marketing manager after the former manager retired. The company recruited James Anderson, who was employed in Webster & Co., and offered him the job of manager. This is an example of ____.

External talent focus

A company that lets each of its business units staff in whatever way they chose and house their own staffing function, is an example of ___

Decentralized staffing

Which of the following is compromised when retaining workers?

A regular infusion of new ideas and perspectives.

Jen in HR introduces an performance incentive program that will reward Bailey's highest performing employees at the end of the year. This is an example of ____

Proactive staffing

Employment at will is an employment relationship which

allows either the employee or employer to terminate the employment at any time.

Which of the following are employees of a company who take on the operation of certain functions, or staff an entire office or factory on a contractual basis for a client or company

Leased workers

Which of the following was declared illegal by the Taft-Harley Labor Act

Closed Shop

Department store BigTen refused to hire Max because of his religion. The store is in violation of ____

Title VII of the civil rights act of 1964

A manager only hired Hispanic Women as secretaries. This is an example of ____

Disparate treatment

A hotel chain that is recruiting front desk receptionists receives 200 applicants from males and a 100 applicants from females. 100 out of 200 men were hired and 25 out of 100 women are hired. Which of the following statements is true of the hotel chain's

There is evidence of a disparate impact of the hiring process on females as a group

What is the best conclusion given the following information about research technicians employed in the scientific wing of a pharmaceutical organization?
Females comprise 60% of the current workforce and 50% of the relevant population (research techs) and

There is a disparate impact on males as research technicians

A company fails to do a background check that would have revealed that a person it has hired has the potential to harm others. The employee then physically harms a customer during disagreement. The company could be found guilty of _____.

Negligent hiring

When competing hospital calls for an employee recommendation, a hospital manager fails to disclose negative information about a previous employee who was discharged for improper and reckless behavior toward a patient. This could be an example of

negligent referral

When Mary hires someone because they share the same interests, which of the following has occurred?

Like-Me bias

A systematic process of identifying and describing the important aspects of a job and the characteristic a worker needs to perform the job well is a ___

Job analysis

A summary of the characteristics of someone able to perform the job well is a _____

Person specification

In staffing, O*NET is used for__

background job analysis information

Job candidate characteristics that are critical to the adequate performance of a new hire are called ____

Essential Criteria

____ are more broadly defined components of a successful worker's repertoire of behavior needed to do the job well


The balance between the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards an employee receives by working for a particular employer in return for their job performance is the ___

Employee value proposition

Some of Dana's friends earn more than her. Dana has a lot of responsibilities and believes that she is actually learning far more on the job than she thought she would. Which of the following statements is true about Dana?

She finds the intrinsic rewards from this job very satisfying.

What written documents describe the tasks and duties of a job?

Job description

Which of the following is the first steps in the typical workforce planning process?

Identifying the firm's business strategy

Which of the following events suggest that a home improvement store such as Home Depot or Lowe's will need fewer workers in the next 1-3 years?

A decrease in consumer disposable income

If a company employs two office assistants for every nine architects and it plans to expand and hire eighteen new architects, how many new office assistants will it need to hire?


Which of the following forecasting methods relied on the experience and insights of people in the organization to predict a firm's future employment needs?

Judgmental Forecasting

____ is a quantitative technique that can be used to analyze a firm's internal labor markets and forecast its internal labor supply.

Transition Analysis

Which of the following are detailed records or databases that summarize each employee's skills, competencies, education, training, languages spoken, and chances of being promoted?

Talent inventories

Which of the following visually shows each of the possible successors for a job and summarizes their strength, present performance, promotion readiness, and development needs?

Replacement charts

Which term refers to the proportion of applicants moving from one stage of the hiring process to the next?

staffing yields

An applicant who finds a recruiter to be rude and unhelpful is likely to perceive ___

low interactional fairness

Presenting both positive and potentially negative aspects of a job to recruits is a _____

realistic job preview

Recruiters are trained on which of the following?

recruiter knowledge, interpersonal skills, presentation skills=ALL OF THE ABOVE

An employee who is currently employed but occasionally visits online job boards, "just to see what's out there" in case he can identify a better job opportunity is called an

Semi passive job seeker

Which of the following is an internal recruiting source

Succession management

Publicizing open jobs to current employees is known as

Internal job posting

An hr manager trying to recruit for a number of key positions in a firm asks the best talent to recommend the best people they've worked with in the past or people they feel would be good performers. This is an example of


People who rely on their own contacts and research and the organizations database of potential applicants to find recruits are known as

In house sourcers\recruiters

A new collage graduate looking for his or her first job is an

Active job seeker

Firms operating globally often need to give some latitude to their local managers to tailor their strategies and practices to meet the needs of their locations. This highlights the


In geographic targeting, the labor market used to source lower level positions in a firm is most likely to be


Hiring top talent away from another company is an example of using which recruiting source

Raiding competitors

Retainer firms are

Search firm who charge employers a fixed fee in advance of placement

Information about important outcomes of the staffing process is called

Criterion data

If a test score is at the 90th percentile, then which of the following is true?

Only 10% of the test takers scored higher than this

A __ indicates how many standard deviations above or below the mean a given score lies

Standard score

The correlation coefficient between a selection test and job performance is 0. This means the selection test

And job performance are unrelated

How dependably or consistently a measure assesses a particular characteristic is the measures


The extent to which items on a given measure assess the same construct is assessed by

Internal consistency reliability

Failure to measure important aspects of the attribute to be measured results in __error


__ refers to how well a measure assesses a given construct and the degree to which you can make specific conclusions or predictions based on observed scores


The fit between a person's abilities and the demands of the job is

Person-job fit

If an individual's goals, values, and work style clashes with the goals, values, and work style of his or her co-workers, which of the following is true?

The individual has low person-group fit

When a company hired Marcus who turned out to be a poor performer, which assessment outcome occurred?

False Positive

When a company rejected Sara, who would have been a poor performer on the job, which assessment outcome occurred?

True Negative

Asking applicants which sports they like to play is an example of which external assessment method?

Bio data or biographical

Which of the following is a type of cognitive ability type?

Mathematical reasoning

Asking a candidate during an interview to indicate how she would respond to an irate customer is an example of which external assessment method?

Situational interview

Which assessment method would be the best choice to identify candidates who are more likely to pose a security risk to the company?

Background check

External customers are often best for evaluating an employees'

Interpersonal behaviors

The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance is__

Succession management

A nine box matrix requires assessing employees on

Current job performance and future potential

__ is used to reenergize employees and give them the opportunity to develop skills and pursue other interests via workshops, formal classes, or travel


__ is a continuous process of self-assessment and goal setting

Career development

The focus of the career crossroads model is on

Managerial positions

Adam is being trained by Mark because of his lack of experience. This process of internal assessment is called

A mentoring program

Prediction Equation: Job Success= 10 + (2
interview)+ (1
personality) + (3*job knowledge)=
10 on interview
20 on personality test
10 on job knowledge test


A minimum assessment score that must be met or exceeded to advance to the next assessment phase or to eligible tor receive a job offer is a ___

Cut Score

Which of the following is true of a maximum job offer?

It can be a low, competitive, or high offer.

When a finalist does not get a job offer, they are likely to perceive ___

Low distributive fairness

A non solicitation agreement is a type of___

Restrictive covenant

A company relies on innovation as a competitive advantage. It wants to maintain the secrecy of its research and development projects. Which of the following would it most likely use?

Non disclosure agreements

Backing out of an employment contract after the job offer is accepted is called ____


Don is a high ranking manager in an advertising firm. He was recently offered a job with higher pay and more lucrative benefits by a rival firm. On coming to know about this, Don's employers decided to make him a ___ matching the offer from their rival fi


Interactive with recruiters and future coworkers during the hiring process is the ___ phase of the socialization process


Socialization programs putting newcomers through a common set of experiences as a group rather than individually are called _____

Collective programs

Processing a new employees employment related paperwork , acquiring necessary keys and identification cards, and establishing an e mail account for them is a part of ___


Denise, the hr manager noticed a very lengthy process for new hires. She decided to switch to an ___ approach to socializing so that new employees did not suffer from information overload.


When a call center fired an employee who cannot meet her volume goals, which of the following types of turnover has occurred?


Asking a departing employee why he or she is leaving the firm is an

Exit interview

Companies generally try to minimize turnover that is

Voluntary, dysfunctional, and avoidable

A layoff is an example of which type of turnover?


An organizations competitive advantage is

what it can do differently from its competitors

Staffing influences an organizational performance because

Its outcomes determine who will work for and represent the firm

Strategic staffing means

staffing an organization in future oriented and goal direct ways that support the organization's business strategy and enhance organizational effectiveness

Strategically evaluating the company's current lines of business, new businesses it will be getting into, businesses it will be leaving, and the gaps between the current skills in the organization and the skills it will need to execute its business strate

Workforce planning

The primary goal of __ is to get the right people interested in working for an organization or in a specific job, then persuade them to apply and ultimately accept the job offer if they are extended.


Interviewing job candidates to assess their fit with the job and organization is part of


Deployment involves

Assigning talent to appropriate jobs and roles in the organization

Putting together an attractive job offer and negotiating with the candidate the company wants to hire is part of


A formal document detailing the process to be followed when a firm recruits for an open position is a _____

Recruiting guide

Amy is treated badly at the store she shops at. When Carries hear about this she stops shopping there..this is an example of

Spillover effect

Activities that convert the leads generated during the sourcing into job applicants, generate interest in a company and its job, and persuade candidates to accept extended job offer is called:


Which type of fairness is perceived to be low by most job applicants who are not selected for a particular job?

Distributive fairness