Module 3


The basic unit of structure and function in living things

Cell theory

Theory that all living organisms are composed of units called cells, that cells are the basic unit of structure and function of living organisms, and that all cells come from other living cells

Robert Hooke

An English physicist who was the first person to observe cells using one of the first light microscopes; gave cells their name

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

A Dutch businessman who was the first to observe living cells in a drop of pond water with a simple microscope

Matthias Schleiden

A German botanist who was the first to introduce the idea that all plants are made up of cells

Theodor Schwann

A German zoologist who introduced the idea that animals are made up of cells

Rudolf Virchow

A German physician who was the first to introduce the idea that all cells are created from other preexisting cells

Cellular differentiation

Process that creates different types of specialized cells


Different types of tissue that work together to perform a function

Organ system

Different organs that work together to carry out a function


A complete living thing, whether unicellular or multicellular

Stem cells

special cells that can differentiate into more specific types of cells


A group of cells that work together to perform a function


The protein shell of a virus that surrounds nits genetic material (either RNA or DNA)

Host cell

A living cell that is infected with a virus

lysogenic cycle

The process some viruses use to reproduce where the viral DNA is incorporated into the host DNA to be replicated by the cell

Lytic cycle

the process that some viruses use to reproduce where the host DNA is immediately destroyed to make new viruses

Viral envelope

a layer of lipids similar to a cellular membrane that surrounds the capsid of some viruses


A tiny particle that contains RNA or DNA and can infect or kill living cells; generally not considered to be a living organism