

Abnormal acidity of body fluids; respiratory acidosis is caused by abnormally high carbon dioxide levels

acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Preliminary Adema that can leave rapidly to fatal respiratory failure;, causes include trauma, aspiration into the lungs, Viral pneumonia, and drug reactions; shock lung

acute rhinitis

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa with sneezing, tearing, and perfuse secretion of watery mucus, as same in the common cold


abnormal alkalinity of body fluids; respiratory alkalosis is caused by abnormally low carbon dioxide levels


The accidental inhalation of food or other form material into the lungs, also means the withdrawal of fluid from a cavity by section


Disease characterize by dyspnea and wheezing cause by spasm of the bronchial tubes or swelling of their mucus membranes


And complete expansion of a long or part of a long, one collapse, maybe present at birth (as in respiratory distress syndrome) or may be caused by bronchial obstruction or compression of lung tissue


Chronic dilation of a bronchus or bronchi


Information of bronchus

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Any of a group of chronic, progressive, and debilitating respiratory diseases, which includes Emphysema, asthma, bronchitis, and bronchiectasis


Childhood disease usually caused by viral infection that involves upper airway information and obstruction, croup is categorized by barking cough, difficulty breathing, and laryngeal spasm


Bluish discoloration of the skin caused by lack of oxygen in the blood

Cystic fibrosis ( CF)

Inherited disease that affects the pancreas, respiratory system, and sweat glands. Characterized by mucus accumulation in the bronchi causing obstruction and leading to infection


acute infectious disease, usually limited to The upper respiratory tract, characterized by the formation of a surface pseudomembrane. composed of cells and coagulated material


Difficult or labored breathing (-pnea), sometimes with pain


call Nick pulmonary disease characterized by enlargement in the direction of the alveoli


Spitting of blood from the mouth or respiratory tract


Presence of blood in the pleural space


Presence of fluid in the pleural space


Increase in the rate and depth of breathing to above optimal levels, with blood carbon dioxide decreasing to levels below normal


Condition in which the amount of air entering the alveoli is insufficient to meet metabolic needs and carbon dioxide increases to levels above normal


Acute, contagious respiratory infection causing fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain "flu


An acute, infectious disease characterized by a cough ending in a whooping inspiration; whooping cough

Pleural effusion

Accumulation of fluid in the pleural space. The fluid may contain blood (hemothorax) or pus (pyothorax or empyema)


Information of pleura; pleuritis; a symptom of pleurisy is sharp pain on breathing


Disease of the respiratory tract caused by inhalation of dust particles; named more specifically by the type of dust inhaled , such a silicosis, anthracosis, abestosis


Inflammation of the lungs generally caused by infection;, may involve the bronchioles and alveoli (bronchopneumonia) four one more lobes of the lung(Lobar pneumonia)


Inflammation of the lungs;, maybe cause find infection, asthma, allergy, or inhalation of irritants


Accumulation of air or gas in the pleural space; I may result from injury or disease or may be produced artificially to collapse a lung


Accumulation of pus in the pleural space; empyema

Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)

A respiratory disorder that affects premature infants born without enough surfactant in the lungs. It is treated with respiratory support and surfactant administration

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Suddenly and unexplain death of an apparently healthy infant; crib death


Infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis often involves the lungs but may involve other parts of the body as well; miliary tuberculosis is in acute generalized form of the disease with formation of minutetubercles that resemble millet seeds .


obstructive airway disease caused by reaction to the dust in unprocessed plant fibers

Sleep apnea

Intermittent periods of breathing cessation during the sleep; Central sleep apnea arises from failure of the brainstem to stimulate breathing, obstructive sleep apnea results from airway obstruction during steep sleep, as from obesity or in large tonsils

Small cell carcinoma

How many maleagement type of bronchial team are involving small, undefeatented sales, oat cell carcinoma