Med disease and Illness- DERMATOLOGY

B: Impetigo

-highly contagious (transmitted through skin to skin or commonly in nasal passageways) -caused by staph or strept bacteria -afebrile, painless. face arms legs most common sites3 types: non-bullous: crusted, red basebullous: moist, red skin that progresses to vesicles both: small and pea shaped or large blister likekeep individual quarantined when open sores are presentOral/topical antibiotic given for treatment


-found on skin (20%) and resides in nasal passageways (30%)-spreads directly and indirectly NOT AIRBORNE2 types -hospital acquired: medical setting (short/long term)-community acquired: jail, gym, dorm *Those at risk: hc workers, incarcerated, iv drug users, contact sport athletes -first appears as a pimple w/ red edges and raised center....small pus like papules will arise and may eventually erupt leaving crater like areas in the skin...lesion will increase over night-low grade fever is possible dx: culture of woundtx: topical wash (can dry skin), keeping wounds covered prevention: wash hands, shower, do not share towels

V: Herpes Simplex

- extremely contagious viral infection-enters skin through sight of previous injury-lies dormant and can reoccur over individuals lifespans/s: fever, sore throat, malaise -vesicles w/ red base cluster within one area-painful within first few daysdx: culture of unroofed vesiclerx: antiviral medication +increase in fluid intake *keep contact minimal *keep open wounds covered

V: varicella zoster/ chicken pox

-very contagious even with no s/s-spread through respiratory droplets or direct contact (takes few days to show symptoms)-older children typically have more extensive eruption then young children s/s: -low grade fever-HA-spread over a wide area -infants now receive vaccines so it is less common

V: Herpes Zoster/ shingles

-reactivation of chickenpox -spread across large area in a semi linear pattern s/s: pain, tingling, burningtx: lotion to relieve itching, Benadryl, antiviral meds

v: HPV/ warts

-most common in children and adults on hands/feet-spreads from skin to skin contacts/s: small smooth, skin colored papules with rough surface. small black dots (seeds)= hallmark sign tx: otc salicylic acid applications, liquid nitrogen, laser treatment

F: Tinea Corpis
