Private Pilot Flight test(ground test, things you need to state from memory to the examiner.)

best angle of climb speed (Vx)

it is to climb the greatest amount of altitude in the shortest distance in order to clear 50 foot obstacle. 57 knots with takeoff flaps, 60 with cruise flaps? to clear a 50 ft obstacle it is 58 knots.

best rate of climb speed(Vy)

it is to climb the greatest amount of altitude in the shortest amount of time. 68 knots with takeoff flaps in, 75 knots cruise flaps.

Maneuvering speed(VA)

106 knots. It is the maximum speed in which full deflection of the controls maybe used.

effects of forward center of gravity. Stability, Maneuverability, Stall Speed, Fuel burn, does it increase/decrease?

stability increases, maneuverability decreases, stall speed increases, fuel burn increases.

effects of aft center of gravity. Stability, Maneuverability, Stall Speed, Fuel burn, does it increase/decrease?

stability decreases, maneuverability increases, stall speed decreases, fuel burn decreases.

Describe the primary flight controls

Ailerons and elevator are actuated via push rods. The rudder is controlled using control cables. The flaps have three positions, Cruise, T/O, landing and are electrically operated. Switch is located on the instrument panel. Elevator forces may be balanced using the electric trim system. T/O flaps go down to 15 degrees, landing flaps go down to 45 degrees.

Describe the use of the mixture(cruise)

Mixture control allows leaning of the fuel mixture to maximize fuel economy during cruise conditions. Teledyne Continental Motors specifies that above 75% of maximum rated power, the mixture should be set at full rich. even at full power, you may need to lean the mixture to gain more power because even with pull power set, actual power may be less than 75%

Describe the propeller

the propeller is a fixed pitch Sassenach wood propeller.

Describe the fuel, oil, and hydraulic systems.

The pump's high speed setting is used for priming the engine prior to engine start. The prime setting is selected by turning the FUEL PRIME switch ON. An amber annunciator indicates that FUEL PRIME ON is selected. (b) Fuel Pump The pump's low speed setting is required for maintaining positive fuel supply system pressures at low throttle settings. This setting is selected by turning the FUEL PUMP switch ON. This setting should be selected for any low throttle operations, including taxiing and any flight operations when engine speed may fall below 1000 RPM (e.g. stalls, spins, descents, landings, etc.). The FUEL PUMP may also be selected ON to suppress suspected vapour formation in the fuel supply system. Smooth engine operation at high ambient temperatures with heat soaked fuel and up to and exceeding the service ceiling has been demonstrated without use of the electric pump

Describe the electrical

7.11.1 Power Supply A 12 V battery is connected to the master bus via the battery circuit breaker (50 Amps). The 40 amp. generator is attached to the engine near the propeller hub. The generator feeds the main bus via the generator circuit breaker (50 Amps). Both circuit breakers can be triggered manually. The generator warning light is activated by an internal voltage regulator monitoring circuit and illuminates when a generator fault occurs. 7.11.2 Ignition System The engine is provided with two independent ignition systems. The two magnetos are independent from the power supply system, and are in operation as soon as the propeller is turning and the ignition switch is not off. This ensures safe engine operation even in case of an electrical power failure.7.11.3 Electrical Powered Equipment The individual consumers (e.g. Radio, Fuel Pump, Position Lights, etc.) are connected in series with their respective circuit breakers. See Figure 7.2 for an illustration of the instrument panel.7.11.4 Voltmeter The voltmeter indicates the status of the electrical bus. It consists of a dial that is marked numerically from 8 - 16 volts in divisions of 2. The scale is divided into three colored arcs to indicate the seriousness of the bus condition. These arcs are: Red.................for 8.0 - 11.0 volts, Yellow .............for 11.0 - 12.5 volts, Green .............for 12.5 - 16.0 volts, Redline 16.1 volts.7.11.5 Ammeter The ammeter indicates the charging (+) and discharging (-) of the battery. It consists of a dial, which is marked numerically from -60 to 60 amp7.11.6 Generator Warning Light The generator warning light (red) illuminates during: - Generator failure, no output from the generator The only remaining power source is the battery (20 amps. for 30 minutes)7.11.7 Instruments The instruments for temperatures, pressures, and fuel quantity are connected to their respective sensors. When the electrical resistance of a sensor changes it causes a corresponding change (needle deflection) in its respective indicator.

Describe the landing gear.

The landing gear system consists of the two main landing gear wheels mounted to aluminum spring struts and a 60° castering nose wheel. The suspension of the nose wheel is provided by an elastomer spring. The wheel fairings for the landing gear are removable. When flying without wheel fairings, it should be noted that there is a reduction in some areas of performance (refer to Chapter 5).

Describe the brakes.

Hydraulically operated disc brakes act on the wheels of the main landing gear. The wheel brakes are operated individually using the toe-brake pedals either on the pilot's or on the copilot's side. If either the left or right wheel brake system on the pilot's side fail, the co-pilot's brakes fail too. If the co-pilots brake master cylinder or input lines to the pilots master cylinder fails the pilots brakes will still operate. See Figure 7.3, Brake System Schematic Diagram.

Avionics suite description

The center of the instrument panel contains the radio and navigation equipment. The microphone key for the radio is installed in the control stick. There are two connectors for headsets on the backrest of the seat. HEADSETS WITH A PRESS TO TALK (PTT) SWITCH MUST NOT BE USED IN THE HAND HELD MICROPHONE JACK. IT CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT. HAND HELD MICROPHONES MUST NOT BE PLUGGED INTO CREW POSITION MICROPHONE JACKS. DAMAGE TO THE GMA 340/345 AUDIO PANEL CAN OCCUR. There is a hand-held microphone jack installed on the pilot's side, on the seat bulkhead between the fuselage and the speaker. Operating instructions for individual avionics equipment should be taken from the manuals of the respective manufacturers.

pitot-static, vacuum/pressure system and associated flight instruments

The pitot pressure is measured on the leading edge of a calibrated probe below the left wing. The static pressure is measured by the same probe. For protection against water and humidity, water sumps are installed within the line. These water sumps are accessible beneath the left seat shell. The error in the static pressure system is negligible. For the error of the airspeed indicating system refer to Chapter 5. The pitot static pressure probe should be protected whenever the aircraft is parked to prevent contamination and subsequent malfunction of the aircraft systems relying on its proper functioning.

heater and environmental system

The cabin heat and defrost system, directs ram air through the exhaust heat shroud into the cabin heat valve. The warm air is then directed to the window defrosting vents and to the cabin floor as selected by the Floor/Defrost lever. The cabin heat selector, located in the center console, is used to regulate the flow of heated air. Lever down = cabin heat FULL ON The Floor/Defrost lever directs the heated air to the defrost and floor vents. Lever down = all cabin heat to Floor 7.4.3 Cabin Air The cabin aeration is controlled by two adjustable air-vent nozzles. The two sliding windows in the canopy can be opened for additional ventilation.

Trim System

The Rocker switch is located on center console behind the throttle quadrant. The digital trim indicator is located in the upper instrument panel. The switch controls an electrical actuator beside the vertical push rod in the vertical stabilizer. The actuator applies a load to compression springs on the elevator pushrod. The trim circuit breaker is located in the circuit breaker panel and can be tripped manually to disable the system. switch forward = nose down

Mixture(full throttle Reduced throttle settings/Full power)

It must be full rich in all reduced power settings. Only exception is for engines without the altitude compensating fuel pump, operating at very high altitudes, where the low air density may require leaning to satisfy engine operation.

Fuel System

0 FUEL SYSTEM The aluminum tank is located behind the seats, below the baggage compartment. The capacity is specified in Section 2 of this manual. The tank filler on the left side of the fuselage behind the canopy is connected to the tank with a rubber hose. A grounding stud is located on the under side of the fuselage near the trailing edge of the left hand wing. The aircraft must be grounded prior to any fueling operation. The tank vent line runs from the filler neck through the fuselage bottom skin to the exterior of the airplane. The vent line is the translucent plastic hose adjacent to the left wing root. The vent line must be clear for proper fuel system operation. The tank has an integral sump which must be drained prior to each flight, by pushing up on the brass tube which protrudes through the underside of the fuselage, forward of the trailing edge of the left hand wing. Two outlets with finger filters, one left and one right, are installed at the bottom of the tank (see Figure 7.6). Fuel is gravity fed from these outlets to a filter bowl (gascolator) and then to the electric fuel pump. The filter bowl must be drained prior to each flight, by pushing up on the black rubber tube that protrudes through the underside of the fuselage, adjacent to the fuel tank drain. The electric fuel pump primes the engine for engine starting (Prime ON) and is used for low throttle operations (Fuel Pump ON). When the pump is OFF, fuel flows through the pump's internal bypass. From the electric pump, fuel is delivered to the engine's mechanical fuel pump by the fuel supply line. Fuel is metered by the fuel control unit and flows via the fuel distribution manifold to the injector nozzles. Closing the fuel shut-off valve, located either on the aft side of the firewall or at the maintenance drain manifold, will cause the engine to stop within a few seconds. A return line from the mechanical pump's fuel vapor separator returns vapor and excess fuel to the tank.