Cells and Life


smallest unit of life

cell theory

the theory that states that all living things are made of one or more cells, the cell is the smallest unit of life, and all new cells come from preexisting cells.

light microscope

a microscope that uses light and lenses to enlarge an image of an object

electron microscope

a microscope that uses a magnetic field to focus a beam of electrons through an object or onto an object's surface

unicellular organism

a living thing that is made up of only one cell


the process by which new organisms are produced


an organism's ability to maintain steady internal conditions when outside conditions change


cell that does not have a nucleus or other membrane-bound


a cell that has a nucleus and other membrane-bound


membrane-surrounded component of a eukaryotic cell with a specialized function

cell membrane

a flexible covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment outside the cell


the liquid part of a cell inside the cell membrane; contains salts and other molecules

cell wall

a stiff structure outside the cell membrane that protects a cell from attack by viruses and other harmful organisms


a long chain of amino acid molecules; contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur.

cellular respiration

a series of chemical reactions that convert the energy in food molecules into a usable form of energy called ATP


membrane-bound organelle that uses light energy and makes food- a sugar called glucose- from water and carbon dioxide in a process known as photosynthesis


the part of a eukaryotic cell that directs cell activities and contains genetic information stored in DNA

Multicellular organism

a living thing that is made up of two or more cells