1.1.1 Cardiovascular and Circulatory Function


this is a ventricular filling and the relaxation state


this is the contraction of the atria

pulmonary artery

who is responsible when venous blood need to deliver to the lungs for oxygenation?


which is responsible when you need to distribute oxygenated blood to the remainder of the body?

cardiac conduction system

this generates and transmits electrical impulse that stimulates contraction of myocardium

SA Node

this is the primary pacemaker which initiates electrical impulse (60-100bpm)


AV Node receives an impulse from SA Node. When the SA node fails, it can sustain a heart rate of?

Bundle of HIs

this sends impulse from AV Node to Purkinje fibers

Cardiac Output (4-6)

this is the total amount of blood ejected by one of the ventricles in L/min.

stroke volume (60-130ml)

the amount of blood ejected from one the ventricles per heart beat


sympathetic nerve fiber of ANS can decrease heart rate, conduction speed, atrial and ventricular contractility, and peripheral vasoconstriction due to release of?


parasympathetic nerve fibers decrease heart rate, lessen atrial and ventricular contractility and conductivity due to release of


this is one of the factors affecting the functions of the heart, when the is increased heart size it will decrease the volume of blood.


men are at more risk when it comes to functioning of heart

increase in HDL, reduced LDL, dilation of blood vessels which enhance blood flow

3 major effects of estrogen?


hormone therapy is effective to prevent CAD

chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, peripheral edema, palpitations and unusual fatigue

5 common symptoms of CVD

aspirin, clopidrogel, tricagrelor

except for medications, herbs these drugs can help in dealing with CVD but take note of side effects such as nausea, vomiting gastric irritation

loud snor, frequen awakening

when client is candidate for CVD they may heave this sleep disordered breathing or SBD which is?


Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)


Calcium (Ca++)

Male: 0.6-1.2 mg/dL ; Female: 0.4-1.0 mg/dl


1.8-2.6 mg/dL

Magnesium (Mg++)

3.5-5 mEq/L

Potassium (K+)


Sodium (Na+)

increased BUN

reduced renal perfusion and decreased cardiac output


Slows nodal function and impair myocardial contractility. The latter effect increases the risk for heart failure.


can occur with the administration of diuretics (reduces renal excretion of calcium)

intravascular fluid volume deficit

A normal creatinine level but elevated BUN suggest an?


due to enhanced renal excretion of magnesium from the use of diuretics, digitalis therapy


commonly caused by the used of antacids containing Mg. depresses contractility of the myocardium - heart block, and if severe, asystole.


if due to administration of K+ excreting diuretics - arrythmias, ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation


can result from increased K+ intake; excretion of K+, use of K+ - sparing diuretics, use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors that inhibit aldosterone function


indicate fluid excess and can be caused by heart failure or administration of thiazide diuretics


indicates fluid deficits and can result from low water intake through excessive sweating or diarrhea

chest x-ray

shows cardiac and peripheral calcifications


an x-ray imaging technique that allows visualization of the heart on a screen, this is a useful aid for positioning transvenous and venous catheters.


graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heart

atrial depolarization

P wave

ventricular depolarization

QRS Complex

ventricular repolarization

T wave

U wave

this is rare, some time can be seen in patients w/ hypokalemia hypertension or heart disease.

range of 0.12-0.20

PR interval

12-lead ECG

used to diagnose arrythmia, myocardial infarction, ischemia, or injury, conduction abnormalities, chamber enlargement

15-lead ECG

adds 3 additional chest leads across the right precordium and is used for early diagnosis of right ventricular and left posterior infarction

18-lead ECG

used for early detection of mycardial ischemia and injury


adenosine increases heart rate, mycoardial contractility and BP

aminophylline, theophylline, dipyrimadole

during pharmacologic stress test these 3 drugs cannot be taken 24-48hrs before the test


a non-invasive ultrasound test that is used to measure the jection fraction and examine the size, shape, and motion of cardiiac structures

cardiac catheterization

this is a common invasive procedure used to diagnose structural and functional diseases of the heart and great vessels.