Plants and Fungi

where are plants found in the eukaryotic tree?


what is the closest relative to land plants?

charophytes, an algae that are protists

what are land plants categorized as?


What is a charophyte?

green algae that live in fresh water environments

what are the differences between plants and algae?

- plants are always multicellular while algae is not always.- plants do not move, while some algae does. - some plants have stems and leaves and vascular tissues, algae does not. - land plants have cuticles


a waxy layer on the surface of leaves and stems that protects plants from drying out

nonvascular plants

liverworts, hornworts, mosses

vascular plants

lycophytes, monilophytes, gymnosperms, angiosperms

seedless plants

monilophytes, lycophytes

seed plants

gymnosperms, angiosperms

vascular plants?

have vascular tissues, a system of tubes that transports water and nutrients throughout the plant.

Non-vascular plants?

rely on osmosis, simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport to move water and nutrients around their bodies.

requirements for all plant life?

nutrients, water, light

challenges for land plants?

- Gravity (fight it by thickening their cell wall by adding lignin)- Lack of Water - Multicellularity (more cells a plant has, teh more the rate of diffusion matters) - interaction with air (they need special pores to absorb oxygen)


the process of drying out or losing moisture


allows air to enter living tissues, and plants have the ability to open and close then suing water pressure


when fungi allows the plants to access nutrients they can't normally get, and the plant gives the fungi sugars in return

how to angiosperms produce seeds?

from flowers and fruit

how do gymnosperms produce seeds?

from cones


special compound in pollen walls


animals that move pollen on plants

all fungi are what?


absorptive nutrition

how fungi absorb their food rather than ingesting it.


fine filaments that extent into the environment, it is the main structure of the fungi bodies a network of hyphae is called a mycelium

how do fungi reproduce?

both sexually and asexually, which involves a release of spores

how doe decomposing fungi work?

break down dead organisms and their waste to obtain nutrients for themselves and for other organisms. this also cycles nutrients back into the environment, to be turned into something else.

how to ants use leaves?

they use them to feed fungi, which the grow for food.


some fungi form associations with algae or photosynthetic bacteria. the algae or bacteria photosynthesize and share sugar with the fungus, while the fungus provides protection tot eh bacteria of algae and retains water.