Pharm Exam 3

Corticotropin and Cosyntropin

When do you use anterior pituitary drugs?

signs and symptoms of adrenal insufficiency; used for diagnostic purposes

What are Octreotide, somastatin and somatropin?

Human growth hormone (HGH)

What are the indications for taking a Somatropin?

-Pediatric and Adult growth hormone deficiency -non-growth-hormone deficiency -Prader Willis Syndrome -HIV wasting

What are adverse effects of Somatropin?

HyperglycemiaNeutralizing antidodies Fatality with Prader Willis Syndrome Glucocorticoids

What are contraindications of taking Somatropin?

Glucocorticoids- suppresses growth

What is a nursing consideration of somatropin?

if patient is diabetic check blood glucose; it decreases glucose utilization

When do you take octreotide?

with increased levels of HGH

What are the indications for taking octreotide?


What color is octreotide?


What does octreotide do?

suppresses HGH in the pituitary

What does antidiuretic hormone do in the body?

reabsorbs water in the body

With Diabetes insipidus what happens in the body?

excess dilute urine output, decrease ADH

What are indications to take


what are the 3 parts of discrete trial?