Adrenals and aldosterone

provides glucose components and anti-insulin effects

cortisol's effects can be summarized as

stimulating gluconeogenesis

cortisol increases glucose by

proteins in mm, TGs in fat

cortisol increases glucose by breaking down stuff to give gluc components, such as

essential for contractions, excess = mm atrophy and weakness

cortisol's action in mm

decreases bone formation

cortisol's action in bone

retention of Na+ by kidney

main action of aldosterone

1. angiotensin II2. depletion of body Na+

2 main stimuli promoting aldo release

1. PNMT enzyme2. cortisol draining from cortex (induces conversion- cortisol parallels EPI)

conversion of NE to epi occurs thanks to 2 things

chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla

catecholamine synthesis and secretion occurs in the

serum epi = zeroserum NE = unchanged (from SNS neurons)

after an adrenalectomy, you would expect plasma epi and NE to be

A and B

EPI action is via ___ receptors

MM: increase serum lactateliver: convert glycogen/lactate to gluc (increase serum gluc)fat: increase serum FFApancreas: decrease serum insulin, increase serum glucagon

net effect of EPI on mm, liver, fat, and pancreas

insulin to decrease blood gluc

hyperglycemia stimulates release of ___ to ___

GH, glucagon, cortisol release. Cortisol induces conversion of NE to epi thru PNMT. All this increases blood-gluc

hypoglycemia stimulates ___ to ___