Nursing Intro Ch16 - Nursing Assessment

Approach to identify, diagnose, and treat human responses to health and illness


Collection, verification, and analysis of data (1st step in nursing process)


The client's perceived needs, health problems, and responses


Information that was obtained through the use of the senses


Your judgment or interpretation of cues

List Gordon's 11 functional health patterns.

1. health perception-health management pattern2. nutritional-metabolic pattern3. elimination pattern4. activity-exercise pattern5. sleep-rest pattern6. cognitive-perceptual pattern7. self-perception-self-concept pattern8. role-relationship pattern9. sexuality-reproductive pattern10. coping-stress tolerance pattern11. value-belief pattern

What are the two primary sources of data

Subjective Data & Objective Data

Subjective Date

Client's verbal descriptions of health problems

Objective Data

Observations of measurement of a clients health status

Identify the variety of sources where data can be obtained.

a. clientb. family and significant others c. health care team d. medical records e. literature

During the initial interviewing process, nurses have the opportunity to...

a. introduce yourself, explain your role b. establish a caring therapeutic relationship c. get insight about the client's concerns d. determine the client's goals and expectations e. obtain cues about which parts of the data collection phase require further investigation

Protected health information includes demographic data that relates to:

a. an individual's past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition b. the provision of health care to the individual c. the past, present, or future payment for provision of health care to the individual

Nursing health history includes...

Data about the client's current level of wellness, review of systems, family history, sociocultural history, spiritual history, and mental and emotional reactions to illness

Open-ended questions

prompts clients to describe a situation in more than one or two words

Back channeling

active listening prompts

Closed-ended questions

limit the client's answers to one or two words

Biographical information

factual demographic data about the client

Reasons for seeking health care

Client's perception

Clients expectations

What is important to the client

Present illness / Health Concerns

Essential and relevant data about the nature and onset of symptoms

Health history

Health care experiences and current health habits and lifestyle patterns

Family history

Data about the immediate and blood relatives

Environmental history

Client's home and work, focusing on determining the client's safety

Psychosocial history

Reveals the client's support systems, coping mechanisms

Spiritual history

Represents the totality of one's being

Review of systems

Systematic method for collecting data from all body systems

Data Validation

Is the comparison of data with another source to determine data accuracy

Data analysis

Involves recognizing patterns or trends in the clustered data, comparing them with standards, and then coming to a conclusion about the client's responses to a health problem

Identify some common practices related to documentation, the last part of a complete assessment.

Timely, thorough, and accurate; record all observations; pay attention to facts and be descriptive; record objective information in accurate terminology; do not generalize or form judgments

The interview technique that is most effective in strengthening the nurse-client relationship by demonstrating the nurse's willingness to hear the client's thoughts is?

Open-ended question

While obtaining a health history, the nurse asks Mr. jones if he has noted any change in his activity tolerance. This is an example of which interview technique?

Direct Question

Mr. Davis tells the nurse that he has been experiencing more frequent episodes of indigestion. The nurse asks if the indigestion is associated with meals or a reclining position and asks what relieves the indigestion. This is an example of which interview technique?


Review of systems (ROS)

Systematic method for collecting data on all body systems.

The information obtained in a review of systems (ROS) is? (objective or subjective)


The Five Steps to the Nursing Process

assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Taking one proposition as a given and guessing that another proposition follows.


Diagnosis and treatment of human responses to actual or potential health problems.

Functional health patterns

Method for organizing assessment data based on the level of client function in specific areas (e.g., mobility).


Type of communication with a client that is initiated for a specific purpose and focused on a specific content area.


Measure or guide that serves as a basis for comparison when evaluating similar phenomena or substances.