Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

______________ is the joint that provides the largest moving freedom.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

joint fluid is found in __________________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

the cartilage on the ends of a long bone is to provide ______________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

the bone portion that is inside a synovial joint is _____________ .

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Osteoporosis is the bone disease that compact bones lose ______________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Aging causes ________________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The muscles that you can direct their contractions are called ____________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Skeletal muscle cell membrane is also called ____________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Skeletal muscle cells, like other cells, have single nucleus.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Observed under the light microscopy the skeletal muscle appears to have

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Smooth muscles are involuntary muscles.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The muscles you use to swallow food is the___.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Biceps muscle pulls to flex the arm, it pushes to extend the arm.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Agonist skeletal muscles and antagonist muscles are always working in pairs so that one muscles' work can be undone by the other.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Skeletal muscles contractions can generate heat

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Muscle cells forms ___________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The connective tissues at both ends of a muscle are ___

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Origin of a muscle is the muscle end that attaches to a ___________ bone.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

When skeletal muscle contracts, the origin end moves toward the insertion end.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Aponeurosis is a ______________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

You find __________ inside a skeletal muscle cell.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

__________ is the ion that is required for muscle contraction.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The basic contractile unit on a myofibril is a _______________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The thick filaments have proteins called ______________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

the thin filaments only have protein called actins.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The muscle contractions requires __________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

________ is the neurotransmitter released by nerve axon terminals to stimulate skeletal muscles.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Skeletal muscle cells contract without the cell membranes being depolarized.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Sliding model of the muscle contraction proposes that muscle shortening is due to thin filaments and thick filaments move towards each other, thus shorten the sarcomere length.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

On the skeletal muscle cell membrane, the membrane area that is firstly depolarized is called_______________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

At the neuromuscular junction, the presynaptic membrane is the neuron axon membrane, the postsynaptic membrane is the muscle cell membrane.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

the ball-like actin proteins are found on

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

the golf club-like myosin proteins are found on

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

_________ are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticula, and released to initiates muscle contraction.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Both skeletal muscles and smooth muscles receive nerve innervations through neuromuscular junctions.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

When you lift a light object, ______________, this is called Size Principle.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Arthritis is a disease of ________________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

dermatitis is a disease of _____________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The connective tissue that connects two bones is _____________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

functions of joints include _________? (select all that apply)

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

Cranial bone sutures are the example of __________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The shoulder joint is an example of synovial joint.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

The mandibular bone is the only bone of the head that can move freely, the joint that makes mandibular bone move freely is __________.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

In a synovial joint, the cartilages at the bone ends are not inside the articular capsule.

Anatomy and Physiology - Exam 3

the elbow joint is a hinge joint, the joint movement is ___________.