Waves and Sound


An indication of how high or low a sound is, which is primarily determined by the frequency of the sound wave.


unit of measurement for the intensity of sounds


a disturbance that causes a wave

What are the mediums sound travels through?

solids, liquids, and gases


Energy waves bouncing off the surface of an object (mirrors or echoes return energy back to their source)

How do sound waves travel?

air particles vibrate along the path of a sound wave

Which medium allows sound to travel fastest?


sound waves

a longitudinal wave consisting of compressions and rarefactions, which travels through a medium


The bouncing of waves off an object

What type of wave moves parallel to the wave energy?


Which type of wave contains compressions and rarefactions?


What is a Wave?

A disturbance that travels from one place to another transporting energy, but not necessarily matter, along with it.

What is a medium

It is a continuous collection of the same type of material through which a wave travels (solids, liquids or gasses)

Wave Speed

The speed at which a wave travels through a medium. (frequency x wavelength)

Constructive Interference

the interaction among two or more waves in which displacements combine to produce a wave with a larger displacement

Destructive interference

the interaction among two or more waves in which displacements combine to produce a wave with a smaller displacement


a state that is reached by vibrating a medium at its natural frequency


Maximum distance a wave varies from its rest position


The distance from two corresponding (or the same) parts of a wave.


How many waves can pass a given point per second, measured in Hertz (Hz)


Highest point of a wave


Lowest point of a wave.


Is the ability to do work.


Is the human perception of sound intensity

What two factors does loudness depend on?

1. Amount of energy.2. Distance from the source.

Doppler Effect

A change in sound frequency caused by motion of the sound source, motion of the listener, or both.


The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are close together.


The part of a longitudinal wave where the particles of the medium are farther apart.

Why can't sound travel in space?

Space has no medium for the wave to travel on.