Topic 9: Disorders of GI Motility, Secretion, Absorption

Ulcerative colitis is commonly associated with

bloody diarrhea.

An increased urine bilirubin is associated with


Hepatitis A and hepatitis C are transmitted through contaminated food and water.


Hemochromatosis is a common genetic disorder that may lead to chronic liver failure. Which of the following laboratory data would support a diagnosis of hemochromatosis?

Elevated ferritin

Cholelithiasis is present in 90% of patients who have acute cholecystitis.


Which of the following findings should prompt further diagnostic testing in a child presenting with diarrhea?

Blood and mucus in the stools

Long-term use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications and infection with Helicobacter pylori are causative factors in peptic ulcer disease.


Alcohol abuse is the primary risk factor for chronic pancreatitis.


The finding of hypotension, rigid abdomen, and absent bowel sounds in a patient with pancreatitis

indicates peritonitis with substantial risk for sepsis and shock.

Patients with acute pancreatitis are generally not allowed to eat and may require continuous gastric suctioning to

remove the usual stimuli for pancreatic secretion.

Esophagitis pain is similar in location and pattern to myocardial chest pain.


Which of the following clinical findings would suggest an esophageal rather than an oropharyngeal cause of dysphagia?

Chest pain during meals

A deficiency of lipid digestion or absorption commonly results in


Diverticulitis usually is asymptomatic.


Liver transaminases are increased in the serum when hepatocytes are injured.


The usual treatment for chronic pancreatitis includes

abstinence from alcohol.

Most gallstones are composed of


A reduction in lower esophageal sphincter tone helps reduce gastroesophageal reflux.


Elevated serum lipase and amylase levels are indicative of


Which of the following symptoms suggests the presence of a hiatal hernia?


Match the disorder with its description (use each answer once).

Painful swallowing - odynophagia; Difficulty swallowing - dysphagia; Herniations in the bowel wall - diverticulosis; Absence of peristalsis in a portion of the esophagus - achalasia; Stasis and involuntary leakage of stool - encopresis

Hepatitis A is a self-limiting infection that does not have a chronic carrier state.


An early indicator of colon cancer is

a change in bowel habits

Fecal leukocyte screening would be indicated in the patient with suspected

inflammatory bowel disease.

Jaundice is a common manifestation of

liver disease.

Histamine antagonists may be used in the management of peptic ulcer disease to

decrease hydrochloric acid (HCl) secretion.

A viral hepatitis screen with positive hepatitis B surface antigen, positive anti-HB core IgM, and negative anti-HB surface IgG should be interpreted as

acute hepatitis B.

The pain of cholecystitis commonly radiates to the left upper quadrant and left shoulder.


Epigastric pain that is relieved by food is suggestive of

gastric ulcer

Liver transaminase elevations in which aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is greater than alanine aminotransferase (ALT) by a 2:1 ratio is characteristic of

alcohol-induced injury.

A patient who should be routinely evaluated for peptic ulcer disease is one who is:

being treated with high-dose oral glucocorticoids.

Chronic pancreatitis may lead to

diabetes mellitus.