Test: The Endocrine System

Test: The Endocrine System

the organ that responds to the action of a hormone is known as the _______ organ. a) acting b) target c) regulation d) feedback e) promotion

Test: The Endocrine System

________ hormones usually pass through the cell membrane by diffusion a) steroid b) exocrine c) G protein d) Peptide e) Polypeptide

Test: The Endocrine System

the protein that is found embedded in the cell membrane and allows the hormone to bind to it is known as the ______. a) mRNA b) secondary messenger c) receptor d) receiver e) nucleus

Test: The Endocrine System

the building blocks of protein-based hormones are __________. a) sugars b) fats c) fatty acids d) amino acids e) ATP

Test: The Endocrine System

further release of a hormone is usually down-regulated by the hormone itself. This is known as___________________. a) negative feedback b) positive feedback c) G protein activation d) Transcriptional activation e) Parasympathetic firing

Test: The Endocrine System

Which of the following correctly describes second messengers in hormonal action a) they are produced within a second b) they are used only when the first messengers are not functioning c) they are found on the cell membrane and allow the hormone to bind d) they break down the hormones that enter the cell e) they pass on the hormonal message within the cell

Test: The Endocrine System

testosterone is produced by the _______. a) pituitary gland b) pineal gland c) hypothalamus d) testes e) thymus

Test: The Endocrine System

hypersecretion of the growth hormone during childhood is likely to lead to___. a) gigantism b) diabetes insipidus c) diabetes mellitus d) hypothyroidism e) Cushing's syndrome

Test: The Endocrine System

home pregnancy tests measure the level of _________ in the subjects urine a) estrogen b) testosterone c) human growth hormone d) human chorionic gonadoropin e) prolactin

Test: The Endocrine System

which of the following is NOT secreted by the anterior pituitary a) growth hormone b) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) c) prolactin d) thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) e) epinephrine (adrenaline)

Test: The Endocrine System

which of the following is secreted by the pancreas? a) thyroid hormone b) parathyroid hormone c) insulin d) gastrin e) renin

Test: The Endocrine System

which of the following is secreted by the adrenal gland? a) glucagon b) norepinephrine c) thyroid hormone d) gastrin e) estrogen

Test: The Endocrine System

the adrenal cortex releases cortisone to help the body deal with: a) flight-or-fight responses b) long-term stress c) excess urine production d) acromegaly e) cancer

Test: The Endocrine System

pitocin is a synthetic form of _____ used during childbirth to induce labor artificially a) oxytocin b) estrogen c) progesterone d) thyroid hormone e) the pituitary hormone

Test: The Endocrine System

androgens is a term to describe ______ in general. a) female sex hormones b) male sex hormones c) thyroid hormones d) pituitary hormones e) hormones of the adrenal glands

Test: The Endocrine System

the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin which rise and fall in levels with day and night. this has led some scientists to propose that melatonin is involved in ________. a) food intake regulation b) glucose metabolism c) growth in bone length d) maintaining pregnancy e) sleep regulation

Test: The Endocrine System

tropic hormones are hormones that a) produce antibodies b) are produced in large amounts c) stimulates organs to secrete other hormones d) are produced only in the tropics e) are non-specific in their binding

Test: The Endocrine System

in patients with diabetes mellitus, the level of glucose in the blood and urine is: a) zero b) unusually low c) normal d) unusually high e) constantly responding to light-dark cycles

Test: The Endocrine System

the follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates: a) follicle development in the ovaries of females b) follicle development in males c) the growth of follicles throughout the body d) follicle development in the placenta of pregnant females e) death of follicles in the body

Test: The Endocrine System

aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of water and minerals in the kidney tubules. what symptoms would you expect in a patient with hypersecretion of aldosterone a) excessive muscle buildup b) muscle wasting c) swollen tissues d) decreased blood pressure e) slower heart rate

Test: The Endocrine System

a hyperglycemic hormone: a) maintains constant growth in bone length b) increases muscle buildup c) maintains constant blood pressure d) decreases blood glucose levels e) increases blood glucose levels

Test: The Endocrine System

Which of the following is NOT true with regard to the onset of menopause a) estrogen level is reduced b) ability to bear children is reduced c) ovaries become less efficient d) endocrine system becomes more active e) "hot flashes" may occur

Test: The Endocrine System

a generalized hypersecretion of all the adrenal cortex hormones causes ______ disease. a) Graves b) Addison's c) Cushing's d) Cretinism e) Diabetes insipidus

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: found hanging at the inferior surface of the hypothalamus

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: found superior to the heart, active mainly during childhood and youth for T cell maturation

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: interstitial cells are found in these reproductive organs

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: occurs in a pair and located right above the kidneys

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: located close to the stomach and duodenum and involved in carbohydrate utilization

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: female gonads that produce female sex hormones

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the target organ: found at the base of the throat and produces the major metabolic hormone

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: results in the lowering of blood glucose levels when released by the pancreas

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: results in the increase in blood glucose levels when released by the pancreas

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: produced in excessive amounts in Graves Disease

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: maintains milk production in mothers after childbirth

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: an anabolic hormone that builds muscles and breaks down fats

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: stimulates contraction of uterine muscles during childbirth

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: its release stimulates osteoclasts to break down bone matrix

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: its release causes the deposit of calcium in bones

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: a "fight-or-flight" hormone with immediate response to stressful situations

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: secretion of this hormone from the posterior pituitary decreases urine production

Test: The Endocrine System

what is the hormone associated with: a tropic hormone that stimulates the production of hormones in the adrenal cortex

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) the pancreas is the only gland that has both endocrine and exocrine functions

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) follicle-stimulating hormone in the female is referred to as interstitial cell-stimulating hormone in the male

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) oxytocin, produced in the posterior pituitary, is released only during childbirth and in nursing women

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) hypersecretion of growth hormone after long-bone growth has ended causes gigantism

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) the only hormones produced by the thyroid gland are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronin (T3)

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) the thyroid gland can be safely removed surgically

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) parathyroid hormone is the most important regulator of calcium ion homeostasis of the blood

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) the adrenal cortex produces small amounts of male and female sex hormones

Test: The Endocrine System

(t/f) thymosin is a hormone that plays a role in the maturation of T lymphocytes