Chapter 29

immobilizes cilia that line airways of the lungs for hours, preventing them from sweeping away airborne pathogens and pollutants

what does one cigarette do?

gas exchange support cellular respiration

What do we exchange gas?

1. respiratory surface must be moist so gases can diffuse across cell membranes. 2. cells lining respiratory surface are thin to optimizes gas diffusion. 3. the respiratory surface must be large to allow for adequate gas exchange

What is the 3 features that all animal respiratory systems share?

round worms and flat worms

examples of animals whose gas exchanged is optimized by long, flat bodies with greater surface area

jelly fish

examples of animals who have low energy demands and rely on their moist body surface for gas exchange


example of animals that bring the environment close to all their cells to allow greater exposure of cells


example of animals who have many capillaries that carry oxygen to internal body tissues

bulk flow

when fluids or gases move through spaces from high pressure to low pressure


external projections of the body that exchange gas. can be elaborately folded to maximize their surface area

by swimming with their mouth open

how do fish control water flow over gills?

opercular openings

water flows over gils and out of body through what?

internal respiratory structures

used by most animals to help keep respiratory surfaces moist.

trachea and lungs

what are two common terrestrial respiratory structures?


elaborately branched internal tubes that deliver air to body cells; used by insects


abdominal openings in which air enters trachea

abdominal contractions

what do some insects use to enhance air movements


internal chambers containing moist respiratory surfaces


most terrestrial vertebrates use what to breath?

conducting portion and gas-exchange portion

2 parts that the human respiratory system can be divided into?

conducting portion

series of passageways that carry air into the gas-exchange portion of the lungs

nasal cavity, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, esophagus, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli

what is the path of air through the conducting portion


chamber where nasal and oral cavities converge


opening called the "voice box

vocal cords

bands of elastic tissue controlled by muscles; vibrate as exhaled air passes over them


flat of tissue that prevents food from entering larynx when swallowing


flexible tube reinforced with cartilage


splitting of the trachea into two branches; each leading to a lung


repeated branching of bronchi; lined with smooth muscle that can constrict or dilate passageway


tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs; arranged in grape-like clusters; surrounded by dense capillary networks


gas exchange occurs where?


oily secretion lining alveolar walls; reduces surface tension of alveolar walls preventing collapse during exhalations


iron-containing protein that can bind to four oxygen molecules

cherry-red color

when hemoglobin is bound to oxygen, what color is it?

maroon-red color

when hemoglobin is not bound to oxygen, what color is it?

1. transport as bicarbonate ions. 2. transported bound to hemoglobin. 3. transported dissolved in plasma

how is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?


when air is actively drawn into lungs

chest cavity enlarges when diaphragm and rib muscles contract. lungs expand with chest cavity, creating a partial vacuum that draws air into lungs

what happens during inhalation?


when air is passively expelled out of lungs

chest cavity size decreases when diaphragm and rib muscles relax. decreasing chest cavity size forces air out of lungs. additional air can be expelled by actively contracting the abdominal muscles

what happens during exhalation?

respiratory center of the brain

what is breathing rate controlled by?

excess mucus

Smoker's cough" is the result of what?

they can extract oxygen during both inhalation and exhalation

Birds are able to sustain long flights at high altitudes because?

right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary arteries TO the lungs, interacts with the lung tissue to re-oxygenate the cell, pulmonary veins FROM the lungs, left atrium, left ventricle, aorta, body tissues, superior and inferior vena cava

What is the flow of blood in the heart starting with right atrium?

movement of air or water past a respiratory surface and transportation of gases between the respiratory system and the tissues

what is the respiratory events that utilize bulk flow?

prevents hemoglobin from carrying oxygen

carbon monoxide is poisonous because it?


In the lungs, oxygen moves from air to blood by?


openings into the tracheae of insects


part of the gas-exchange portion of the human lung

passive diffusion of gases between the blood and the alveolus

gas exchange in the lungs is due to?

carbon dioxide

the respiratory system is regulated to maintain a constant level of ___ in the blood

the brainstem

The respiratory center is located in the?

carbon monoxide

poisonous because it prevents hemoglobin from carrying oxygen. what is this?