Microbiology Ch.23

What is Erythema migrans,a bullseye rash, at the portal of entry associated with?

Lyme Disease

What is the causeative agent of the Bubonic plague?

Yersinia Pestis

What is the Bubonic plague transmitted by?


What is Lyme disease caused by?

Borrelia burgdorferi

How is lyme disease transmitted?


What is puerperal fever caused by?

Streptococcus pyogenes

How is puerperal fever transmitted>

mother during childbirth

What is the causeative agent of Anthrax?

Baccillus antracis

What is the type of Anthrax that is deadly?


Who does Bacillus Anthracis primarily infect?

Grazing animals

What does Rhuematic fever cause?

Inflammation of the heart valves

What is the causeative agent of Gas Gangrene?

Clostridium perfringens

Is the flea in Plague a mechanical or biological vector?


What is the most common plague?


How is the Pnuemonic plague spread?

Airborne droplets

What is the causeative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever?


What disease has the causeative agent of Trypanosoma cruzi?


What is the vector is Chagas disease?

Reduviid Bug