

Vaccines bring about a type of immunity referred to as

naturally acquired passive

this type of immunity which is the result of placetal transfer of antibodies is called


The serum derived from an animal that has been immunized to an infectous desease and is used to confer immunity to others, including humans, is called


A foreign protein, which when introduced into the body, excistes the body cells to produce antibodies against inself, is called an

artifically acquired passive

The type acquired immunity that results from the inoculaton of immune serum is called


Lack of resistance to a specific disease is called


Substances produced by body cells to combat foregin proteins intorduced into the living body are called


Antibodies that inactiviate bacterial cells by causing the cells to form clumps are called


The type of immunity conferred after birth is called


The type of immunity that is inherited is called

artificially acquired active

The type of immunity that results from the icoculation of a toxoid is


The causative agent of a disease modified in such a manner that it will no longer cause the disease but will still promote the producton of antibodies is an


A highly developed state of resistance to a specific disease is called

droplet spray

The organisms responsibile for the infection epidemic meningitis exit from the host by means of


Infections caused by members of the genus Samonella are primarily transmitted by


The portal of entry of Samonella typhi is


Ophtalmia neonatorum is an infection caused by a species of bacteria which is a member of the genus


Endospore formation is charteristic of the members of the genus


Lockjaw is the common name for the disease

clostridium perfringens

Gas gangrene and tissue gas is caused by


local skin abscesses are infections usually caused by members of the genus

asiatic cholera

Vibrio cholerae are bacteria responsible for the infection called

mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which of the following organisms has a high lipid content of a cell wall?

whooping cough

Pertussis is a disease that is commonly called


Rabbit fever is the common name for the disease

childbed fever

Puerperal sepsis is commonly referred to as

clostridium perfringens

which of the following organisms is an exotoxin producer?

streptococcus pyogenes

The causative agent of the infection called septic sore throat is


Which of the following diseases may be caused by the organisms responsible for infection entering the body through the unbroken skin?

bacillus anthracis

Endospore formation is a characteristic of

rheumatic fever

Streptococcus pyogenes is respobsible for the infectious disease

treponema pallidum

Which of the following organisms is the causative agent for a venereal disease?

infectious jaundice

Weil's disease is another name for

ophthalmia neonatorum

Silver nitrate prophylaxis was once used for the control of

nose and mouth

The portal of entry of Streptococcus pneumoniae is the


Antibodies that cause clumping of the antigenic substances are called

streptococcus pneumoniae

Which of the following organisms is capable of forming capsules when living as parasites?


Which of the following diseases are caused by a spiral-shaped organism?

treponema pallidum

Syphilis is an infection caused by


Septic sore throat is caused by a

female repoductive tract

The disease known as puerperal sepsis occurs in the

optimum temperature

The temperature at which a species of bacteria grows best is


An organism that can utilize inorganic matter as food is called

facultative parasite

A bacterium that pefers dead inorganic material, but can also obtain nourishment from living orgainc material is an

binary fission

Bacteria usually repoduce by


which of the following is caused by Chlamydia?


The causative agent of typhus fever is

riskettsia rickettsii

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever


Rabies is also called

q fever

Which of the following is caused by riskettsia?


which of the following would most likely transmit typhoid fever as a mechanical vector?

entamoeba histolytica

Which of the following is an example of a pathogenic protozoa?


What disease is identified with the condition called hydrophobia?

entamoeba histolytica

Which is the causeative agent for dysentery?

Immunities resulting from natural processes not involving lab procedures.

Naturally active, naturally passive, artificially active, and artificially passive are all types of:

Produce a catalyzing enzyme for decomposition

Saprophytic bacteria exhibit all of the following charateristics EXCEPT:

Low tension liquids spread over a greater area

Surface tension is significant in disinfection because:


The process of completely removing or destroying all microorganisms on a substance by exposure to chemical or physical agents, exposure to ionizing radiation, or by filtering gas or liquids through porous materials that remove microorganisms is called:


Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is caused by:

Artificially acquired active

An immunity given by a vaccine is:

A tick borne disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rickettsia rickettsii is:

Have been subjected to unfavorable conditions

Spores are most likely to germinate when they:

Facultative anaerobe

An organism that feeds on dead organic matter only is a:


What superficial dermatomycosis increases when associated with AIDS?


The causative organism in Primary Atypical Pneumonia is:


what infection is one which is the causative agents enter the body from the outside by entering through one of the portals of entry?


A substance that induces the formation of antibodies and that interact specifically with them is:

Inhibit bacterial growth

A bacteriostatic agent will:


The state or condition in which the body, or part of it, is invaded by a pathogenic agent that, under favorable conditions, multiplies and produces injurious effects is called:


Bacteria in the blood, that is NOT growing and multiplying is:

bacterial disease

Tuberculosis is an example of a


Most pathogenic bacteria grow best at a pH of:

Grows by infiltration and Causes tissue damage

Which of the following are true of malignant neoplasm's ?


A minute organism not visible with an ordinary light microscope is a:


Viruses are unaffected by the action of:

Treponema pallidum

What etiological agent causes a chancre?


Those spore forming bacteria that currently contain spores are called


An asymptomatic person who carries disease organisms is what type of carrier?

Speed of action, Ability to attack a broad base of bacteria,

When properly disinfecting embalming equipment, you should consider the following qualities of the disinfectant:

An aldehyde and alcohol based solution

When disinfecting removal equipment you should use:


Which superfical dermatomycosis increases when associated with AIDS?

selective toxicity

An importnant factor in any consideration of the mode of action of antimicrobial compunds is

when first emitted from the body

Pathogenic microbes are most virulent

provides an effective barrier to portals of entry and is required by Osha's bloodborne pathogen rule.

Wearing protective clothing and exercising Universial Precautions while removing the deceased from the place of death

mesophilic bacteria.

Those bacteria that grow best at a relatively moderate temperature are called

minimum temperature.

The lowest temperature at which growth for a species will take place is the

maximum temperature.

The highest temperature at which growth for a species will take place is the

facultative anaerobe.

A bacteria that grows and reproduces best in the presence of oxygen, but can also grow and reproduce in its absence, is a


pH is a method for measurement of

streptococcus pneumoniae

What organism causes the condition of lobar pneumonia?


Which organism is acid fast positive?


Those bacteria that grow best at a relatively high temperature are


Those bacteria that grow best at a relatively low temperature are


Which organisms are known as the "true fungi"?


The study of the smallest microscopic life form is


Which structure functions to protect the organism and to enhance its virulence?

entamoeba histolytica

Which of these is an example of a pathogenic protozoa?


Diplococci are shaped in

packets of four

Tetrads are shaped in

irregular graplike clusters

Staphylococci are shaped in


Streptococci are shaped in


The enterance into a host by means of a deep puncture wound may cause

Naturally acquired active

This type of immunity is established by having had a case of the disease.

Active immunity

This immunity is established slowly and is usually of long duration.


The process of destroying pathogenic micoroorganisms or inhibiting their growth and vital activity.


Diease of improperly cooked meat is


What is the causative agent for Primary Atypical Pneumonia?

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

What disease causes dementia, memory loss, and death?


Which disease is caused by only 1 organism?

mechanical vector

A living organism or an object that is capable of transmitting infections by carrying the disease agent on its external body parts or surface.


a toxin produced by a microorganism and excreted into its surrounding medium, generally protein in nature.