Integumentary System

Stratum Germinativum(Basal)

What are the ridges of the stratum germinativum called that also arise from dermis?

Papillae (innermost layer)

What is reproductive layer?

When cells form and push their way up, become keratinized, and replace the top layer.

Where are the sweat glands primarily found?

-Armpits,- palm of the hands, -soles of the feet & forehead

What organisms mixes with the secretions from the axillary sudoriferous glands to produce an odor?


What does dermis contain?

Connective tissueHair folliclesBlood vesselsNerve endingsMuscles, OilsSweat glands and fat cells

What is sebum?

An oily secretion of the sebaceous glands

What is the name of the hollow tube in which the hair grows?

Hair follicles

What are melanocytes?

Pigment of the skin

The arrector pili muscle is responsible for creating what?


Where are nails formed?

Nail bed or MATRIX

What layers of the skin does a third degree burn include?

All layers

What type of cancer appears all of a sudden and is brown/black spot/patch on the skin?

Malignant Melanoma

The innermost layer of the skin is always reproducing itself because this enables the skin to do what if injured?

Reproduce more skin

Is athlete's foot contagious? Is it bacterial or a fungal infection?

Yes; fungal

Acne is caused by what? What type of blood cell is associated with acne?

Sebum plugging the pores; leukocytes

What is dermatitis and what causes it?

Inflammation of the skin caused by rash or emotions

What is the function of the papillae?

It helps with grip

What is the primary function of the skin?

To protect the body

Name the outermost layer of the skin


Name the outermost layer of the epidermis

Stratum Corneum

What is the medical term for sweat glands?

Sudoriferous Glands

What is the medical term for the oil producing glands of the skin

Sebaceous Glands

Name the skin cancer that is the most common and least malignant(least dangerous)

Basal Cell Carcinoma

What is the visible part of the hair called?


What is the primary cause of skin cancer?

Exposure to sun

Sunlight stimulates what to make more melanin?


What sexually transmitted viral skin disorder can cause a newborn baby to be exposed to potential infection?

Genital Herpes

What medical condition exists when normal hair is replaced by a very short, transparent hair (baldness)?


The hair follicle originates from which layer of the skin?


When we apply creams to the skin, what function of the skin is taking place?

Absorption to certain drugs

What viral skin condition can recur after removal?


What are all the functions of the skin?

1. Protective covering2. Regulates body temperature 3. Manufactures Vitamin D4. Sensory Function5. Temporary storage of fat, glucose, water and salts6. Screens out harmful ultraviolet radiation7. Absorbs certain drugs

What is also known as "true" skin?

List the structures of the skin up to down


What is the subcutaneous layer made of and what does it contain?

Made up of loose connective tissue-Contains half of body's stored fat

In cells, cytoplasm is replaced with ____, making them waterproof


What is albinism?

No melanin

Freckles are patches of what?


Skin Structure


What are the---Outer layers of hair:Inner:Part under skin:Outside the skin:

1. Cortex2. Medulla3. Root4. Shaft

Perspiration is __% of water


What is the average fluid loss per day?


The skin is generally too dry for what?

Microbial growth

What is the macule

flat discolored area of skin that is less than 1 centimeter in diameter (does not include a change in skin texture or thickness.)

What is pustule?

a small blister or pimple on the skin containing pus.

What is a crust?

areas of dried pus and blood, commonly called "scabs

What is a vesicle?

fluid filled sacs such as those seen in acne or pimples

What does the rules of nine measure?

Measures percent of body burned

What is squamous cell carcinoma? Where does it occur most often?

Abnormal cell growth arising from the epidermis- occurs on scalp & lower lip

What is the genetic predisposition to allergies, skin inflammation, redness, vesicles, scales, crusting, and pustules? (No true cure, but can treat symptoms)


What is a ringworm?

A fungus

What forms elevated grayish lines due to mites, feces, or bites


What is a possibly genetic disorder triggered by emotional stress, illness, sunlight, or skin damage?


What is the most common contagious skin infection among kids that usually form blisters around the body that is generally caused by bacteria?


What are caused by viruses that form bumps on the skin in various methods?

integumentary system