ALL Science Formulas

One Newton

One kilogram meter over second squared

Mechanical Equilibrium

Sum of all the forces is zero


Distance over time

Average Speed

Total distance covered over time interval

Velocity (a=0)

Change in distance over change in time

Velocity (a≠0)

Acceleration times time

Acceleration (name two)

Change in velocity over change in time and net force over mass

Distance (a=0)

Velocity times time

Distance (a≠0)

Half times acceleration times time squared

Time (name two)

The square root of two times distance over acceleration and negative velocity over acceleration


Force over area of application

Ohm's Law

Current is equal to voltage over resistance


One ampere is equal to one coulomb over one second

Electrical Power

Current times voltage


Current times resistance


Voltage over current

Coasting Velocity (velocity final)

velocity initial plus acceleration times time