cerebral hemisphere: internal configuration


thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere; also known as pallium


contains 90% of the layers; also called Neopallium and Hemogenetic cortex


heterogenetic cortex; Three-layered cerebral cortex, which was the first type of cerebral cortex to evolve; humans have mostly neocortex (allocortex means other cortex)

plexiform layer

contains a few neurons & tangential myelinated fibers; also called molecular layer

external granular layer

contains short association fibers

external pyramidal layer

contains long association fibers

internal granular layer

chief receptive layer; has outer band of Baillarger; contains afferent projection fibers

large pyramidal cells

contains inner band of Baillarger; also called Betz cells

Polymorphic cell layer

gives chielfy efferect cortivifugal & commisural fibers


contains large pyramidal cells & large Betz cells; can be found in the precentral gyrus & pre-motor area


rich in granule cells & poor in pyramid cells; found in the postcentral gyrus & sensory projection area

polar type

has well marked granular layers & small pyramidal cells; can be found in the cortex of the lips of the calcarine fissure & striate area

striate area

also known as Stria of Genari

projection fibers

fibers that arise or terminate in the cerebral cortex & terminating or arising in subcortical regions

sensory projection system

from the thalamus w/ widespread distribution in the cortex

motor projection system

from the motor & premotor areas and other areas of the cortex; corticospinal, corticobulbar, corticopontine & corticothalamic tracts

diffuse thalamic projection system

from certain thalamic nuclei to all areas of the cortex concerned with arousal reactions, wakefulness and attention

internal capsule

a fan-like mass of projection fibers bounded medially by the caudate nucleus and the thalamus & lentiform nucleus

corona radiata

portions of the projection fibers extending between basal ganglia and thalamus and the cerebral cortex

anterior limb

part of the internal capsule that lies between the head of the caudate nucleus & lenticular nucleus & by fusion of these nuclei


bounded ROS by head of the caudate, POST by thalamus, LAT by apex of lentiform nucleus & DOR tail of caudate

posterior limb

bounded ROS by lentiform nucleus & caudomedially by thalamus


lies between the thalamus and lenticular nucleus


consists of fiber bundles which fan out posterior to the lenticular nucleus


runs lateralwards beneath the lenticular nucleus towards the temporal region of the hemisphere

frontopontine fibers

from frontal cortex to nuclei pontis in the pars basalis of the pons