English Vocab Quiz #8

To Abjure

to renounce, repudiate under oath; to avoid, shun

To cast aspersions

to criticize severely


a comment indicating strong criticism or disapproval


an expert

Spiritus mundi

spirit of the world, Iike zeitgeist

In flagrante delicto

caught red handed

Joie de vivre

exuberant enjoyment of life

noblesse oblige

the duty of upper classes to take responsibility for the welfare of the lower classes

Dies irae

Day of Wrath


To persuade or urge in a gentle way


(v.) to coax, persuade through flattery or artifice; to deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises


(adj.) - astounded, stupefied

A dictum

A formal or authoritative statement


aggresive; eager to fight or quarrel

Sic transit gloria mundi

Thus passes the glory of the world, momento mori


consistently unlucky person


Dirt, mud, dirty stuff

O tempora, o mores

Oh time, oh customs
-lamentations of current period

sui generis

unique, of its own kind, in a class by itself

Faustian ambition

Excessive ambition
-faust sold his soul to the devil