American heart Association Cpr Reveiw

Why do we preform C.P.R?

To maintain life (To Save a life)

What is the compression rate or speed for C.P.R

A 100 Compssions per minute 100>1

How ment compressions to ventilations are given in 1 rescuer C.P.R

30 Compression's > 2 breaths

How meny compressions to ventilations are given in 2 people C.P.R

Adult> 30 compressions / 2 breaths
Infant> 15 compressions/2 breaths

When should you call 911 if you witness an infant or child become non-responsive?


When should you call 911 if you Do NOT witness a child or infant become non-reponsive?

After you check for a response, Do 5 cycles of C.P.R and then call 911

How do you allow a chest to recoil after each compression?

Let it expand compleately

How do you open a non responive patients airway?

Head tilt > chin lift

Rescuers should try to reduce the amount of interrruptions to _?_ . This will increase the chance of the victims survival!

You should limit them to _10_ seconds

List the four universal steps for an AED

1) POWER ON the AED.2) Attach pads. 3) Analyze (clear patient) 4)Press shock button ( If directed)

What could happen if someone is touching a victim @ the same time the AED is delivering a shock

The Rescuers or Other party will be shocked as well

After 'No shock advised' should you or shoudl you not remove the pads from the patient?

You SHOUL NOT remove the pads becuase the EMS Can utilize the pads upon arrival

List the ' ABCD's of C.P.R

A) Airway. B) Breathing. C) Circulation/Compression. D) Defibrillation

Of the four Steps Of the ABCD'S What step increase's the victim chance of survival the most


What are the three 'No's' that must be answers before preforming C.P.R?

1)No Response. 2) No pulse.3)No breathing

Should agonal breathing be concidered before adequate breathing?

No Becuase agonal breathing is slow,Shallow breathing

Describe mouth to mouth rescue breathing.

Pinch the nose close. take regular breaths, create a tight seal, give 2 breaths, and watch for the chest to rise

What are the three things you shoudl check for brathing?

1) look.2)listen. 3) feel

How much air should be delivered when preforming breathing?

1 second to deliver each breath

How would you help a responsive adult or child with severe FBAO( foreign body airway obstruction)

Preform Abdonminal thrust. If victim if to large or pregnante preform chest thrust's

How would you help a responsive child or adult with MILD FBAO.

encourage coughing and breathing efforts.

How would you help a unresponsive adult or child with FBAO

Loook in the airway to see if you see obstruction. Remove if Possible, and preform CPR

How would you help a responsive infant who has FBAO

Combination of Back slaps, and chest thrust's, 5 cycles of back slaps and chect thrust's

How would you help a non-responsive infant with FBAO?

No Blind finger sweeps. begin CPR 5 cycles of back slaps and chest thrusts

How old should a child victim be in order to use an AED

1 Year or older

If a AED can be used on a child and adult, can you use the child size pad on an adult?

No becuase the child size pad will not deliver enough of a 'shock' to shock the heart back