Jarvis Workbook Chapter 12

Select the best description of the secretion of the eccrine glands .

a. thick, milky
B. dilute saline solution
c. protective lipid substance
d. keratine

Nevus is the medical term for...

a mole

To assess for early jaundice, you will assess...

sclera and hard palate

Checking for skin temperature is best accompplished by using...

dorsal surface of the hands

Skin turgor is assessed by picking up a large fold of skin on the anterior chest under the clavicle. This is done to determine the presence of...


You note a lesion during an examination. Select the description that is most complete

a. raised, irregular lesion the size of a quarter, located on the dorsum of the left hand.
b. open lesion with no drainage or odor, approximately 1/4 inch in diameter
c. pedunculated lesion below left scapula with consistent red color, no drainage or odor

You examine nail beds for clubbing. The normal angle between the nail base and the nail is...

160 degrees

The capillary beds should refill after being depressed in...

1-2 seconds

During a routine visit, M.B., age 78 asks about ta small round macules on the hands. Your best respnse is...

These are the results of sun exposure and do not require treatment.

An area of this shiny skin with decreased visibility of normal skin markings is called...


Flattening of the angle between the nail and the base is...

described as clubbing

The configuration for individual lesions arranged in circles or arcs, as occurs with ringworm, is called


The "A" in the ABCDE rule stands for...


A risk factor for melanoma is...

skin that freckles or burns before tanning

Lyme disease is more prevalent...

May through September

Herpes zoster (shingles)...

lesion on only one side of body; does not cross midline.

Clubbing can be assessed by...

noting a change in the angle of the nail base

Milia occur because...

sebum occludes skin follicles

_____ basal cell layer


_____ aids in protection by cushioning

subcutaneous layer

______ collagen


______ adipose tissue

subcutaneous layer

______ uniformly thin


______ stratum corneum


______ elastic tissue


describe pallor

absence of red-pink tones from the oxygenated hemoglobin in blood

describe erythema

intense redness of the skin due to excess blood in the dilated superficial capillaries

describe cyanosis

bluish mottled color that signifies decreased perfusion

describe jaundice

increase in bilirubin in the blood causing a yellow color in the skin

erythema toxicum

tiny punctate red macules and papules on the cheeks, trunk, chest, back, and buttocks


lower half of body turns red, upper half blanches

cutis marmorata

transient mottling on trunk and extremities


bluish color around the lips, hands, fingernails, feet, and toenails

cafe au lait

large round or oval patch of light brown usually present at birth

physiologic jaundice

yellowing of skin, sclera, and mucous membranes due to increased numbers of red blood cells hemolyzed following birth


yellow-orange color in light-skinned persons from large amounts of foods containing carotene