Cardiac Assessment NCLEX prep

The Nurse is assessing a client who has a low-pitches murmur. What is the most appropriate way for the nurse to position the client to auscultate this murmur

On the left lateral side using the bell of the stethoscope.

During a cardiovascular assessment the nurse finds a bluish tinge on the clients lips, fingers, and toes. what is the appropriate documentation for this finding?

Central and peripheral cyanosis

When evaluating a client's circulation the nurse should include which assessments? Select all that apply.

Palpation of pulses, Skin temperature of bilateral extremities, Skin color, Hair on the legs and feet

During a cardiovascular assessment the nurse notes that the client has a heart rhythm with a pause after each beat and a skip every third beat. What is the appropriate interpretation of this findings?

Regularly Irregular

When obtaining a cardiovascular health history the nurse should ask the client which questions? Select all that apply.

Are you able to perform your ADL's?", "Have you had any weight changes?", Have you been treated for cardiovascular disease?", Do you know your cholesterol and triglyceride levels?

When performing a dietary history on a client with a cardiovascular history, the nurse should obtain information related to which items?

Sodium intake

In preparing to perform a cardiovascular assessment, the nurse should initially place the client in which position?

Sitting upright

The nurse performing a cardiovascular assessment observes splinter hemorrhages. The nurse should evaluate this client for which of the following?


When palpating the carotid arteries it is essential that the nurse do which of the following?

Avoid palpating the carotids simultaneously.

Before assessing the client's carotid arteries for pulsations, the nurse would raise the client's head of bed to how many degrees elevation for proper position?

45 degrees

The client has a history of aortic stenosis and an S3 murmur. What action would the nurse take to auscultate this murmur?

Use the bell of the stethoscope.

In the client with mitral regurgitation the nurse would confirm the presence of a murmur at which location on the anterior chest?


To detect the presence of an ascending aortic aneurysm, the nurse would palpate which area on the client's chest? Select the correct area

The A: Aortic valve

When auscultating the apical pulse the nurse should assess for which characteristics? Select all that apply

Rate, Regularity, and Rhythm

The nurse caring for a client experiencing chest discomfort should obtain which assessment data from the client?

Description of the pain and location.

The nurse is performing a cardiovascular assessment and notes creases in he client's earlobes. Based on this find the nurse would conclude that the client may be experiencing which condition?

Coronary artery disease.

During inspection of the carotid arteries the nurse assesses a bounding pulse. The nurse should evaluate the client for which additional findings?


The nurse is performing a cardiovascular assessment. To evaluate the client for pulmonary edema the nurse would assess the client for which manifestation?

Shortness of Breath

The nurse assessing a client who has a history of hypertension would assess the client for pulsations by palpating which cardiac landmark?

2nd intercostal space, right sternal border.