Chapter 8 Assessment Techniques and clinical settings

Various parts of the hands are used during palpation. the part of the hand used for the assessment of vibration is (are) the
A: Fingertips
B Index finger and thumb in opposition
C Dorsum of the hand
D ulnar surface of the hand

D ulnar surface of the hand

When performing indirect percussion, the stationary finger is struck
A at the ulnar surface
B at the middle joint
C at the distal interphalangeal joint
D wherever it is in contact with the skin

C at the distal interphalangeal joint

the best description of the pitch of a sound wave obtained by percussion is
A the intensity of the sound
B the number of vibrations per second
C the length of time the note lingers
D the overtones of the note

B the number of vibrations per second

The bell of the stethoscope
A is used for soft, low pitched sounds
B is used for high pitched sounds
C is held firmly against the skin
D magnifies sound

A is used for soft, low pitched sounds

The ophthalmoscope has 5 apertures. which aperture would be used to assess the eyes of a patient with undilated pupils
A grid
B slit
C small
D large

C small

at the conclusion of the examination, the examiner should
A document findings before leaving the examining room
B have findings confirmed by another practitioner
C relate objective findings to the subjective findings for accuracy
D summarize findings to t

D summarize findings to the patient

When the practitioner enters the examining room, the infant patient is asleep. The practitioner would best start the examination with
A height and weight
B blood pressure
C heart, lung, and abdomen
D temperature

C heart, lung, and abdomen

The sequence of an examination changes from beginning with the thorax to that of head to toe with what age child?
A the infant
B the preschool child
C the school-age child
D the adolescent

C the school-age child

When inspecting the ear canal, the examiner chooses which speculum for the otoscope
A a short, broad one
B the narrowest for a child
C the longest for an adult
D the largest that will fit

D the largest that will fit

A nosocomial infection is one that is acquired
A in a hospital setting
B in a public facility
C by the fecal oral route
D through airborne contaminants

A in a hospital setting

To examine a toddler, the nurse should:
a)allow the child to sit on the parent's lap.
b)remove the child's clothing at the beginning of the examination.
c)ask the child to decide whether parents or siblings should be present.
d)perform the assessment from

allow the child to sit on the parent's lap.
A toddler should be sitting up on the parent's lap for the examination.

Deep palpation is used to:
a)identify abdominal contents.
b)evaluate surface characteristics.
c)elicit deep tendon reflexes.
d)determine the density of a structure.

identify abdominal contents.
Deep palpation is used to identify abdominal contents.

Amplitude is:
a)the intensity (soft or loud) of sound.
b)the length of time the note lingers.
c)the number of vibrations per second.
d)the subjective difference in a sound's distinctive overtones.

the intensity (soft or loud) of sound.
Amplitude is the intensity of sound.

The dorsa of the hands are used to determine:
c)an organ's position.
d)fine tactile discrimination.

The dorsa (back) of hands and fingers are best for determining temperature because the skin is thinner than on the palms.

Fine tactile discrimination is best achieved with the:
a)opposition of the fingers and thumb.
c)back of the hands and fingers.
d)base of the fingers.

The fingertips are best for fine tactile discrimination such as skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and presence of lumps.

A funduscopic examination is an examination of the:
a)inner ear.
c)internal structures of the eye.
d)nasal turbinates.

internal structures of the eye.
An ophthalmoscope is used for a funduscopic examination, an examination of the internal structures of the eye.

Which of the following is considered when preparing to examine an older adult?
a)Base the pace of the examination on the patient's needs and abilities.
b)Avoid physical touch to offset making the older adult uncomfortable.
c)Be aware that loss will result

Base the pace of the examination on the patient's needs and abilities.
The examination pace should be adjusted to meet the possible slowed pace of the aging person.

When performing percussion, the examiner:
a)strikes the flank area with the palm of the hand.
b)strikes the stationary finger at the distal interphalangeal joint.
c)strikes the stationary finger at the proximal interphalangeal joint.
d)taps fingertips ove

Base the pace of the examination on the patient's needs and abilities.
The examination pace should be adjusted to meet the possible slowed pace of the aging person.

At the end of the examination, the examiner should:
a)complete documentation before leaving the examination room.
b)have findings confirmed by another provider.
c)compare objective and subjective data for discrepancies.
d)review the findings with the pati

review the findings with the patient.
At the end of the examination the examiner should summarize the findings and share necessary information with the patient.

When should the examiner use hand washing instead of an alcohol-based hand rub?
a)if the patient has an infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
b)if the patient has an infection with Clostridium difficile
c)if the patient has an infection with hepatitis

if the patient has an infection with Clostridium difficile
The examiner should use the mechanical action of soap-and-water hand washing when hands are visibly soiled and when patients are infected with spore-forming organisms (e.g., Clostridium difficile