Holistic health strategies

Which of the following statements best defines the concept of holistic nursing care

Holistic nursing care takes into consideration all aspects of a person's life including
the environment, social interactions, and emotional response to wellness.

The nurse conducting a community health education program concerning alternative/
complementary therapy should stress that:

Alternative/complementary therapy is used in both hospital and outpatient settings

Energy flow can affect health and well-being. Which of the following situations can
cause the energy flow to become chaotic

Believing that one has been abandoned by God

The nurse is asked to explain acupuncture to a client. Which of the following statements
concerning acupuncture is correct

Acupuncture can be used to either diagnose or treat a health deviation

A client asks the nurse to explain the difference between acupuncture and acupressure.
Which statement made by the nurse is correct

Acupressure applied to the external ear is useful in relieving cravings for drugs.

The nurse evaluates that learning has taken place when the client makes which of the
following statements concerning reflexology?

Reflexology uses pressure applied to specific hand and foot areas to relieve tension

Which of the following clients does the nurse evaluate as understanding touch therapy?

A client who states that, "During touch therapy the therapist's hands may not actually
touch me.

Place the steps of therapeutic touch therapy in order from the first step to the final step.
1. Movement of hands above the body
2. Treatment technique
3. Centering

3, 1, 2

The nurse should recommend which of the following therapies to a client who wishes
to participate in therapy involving energy utilization and dietary design

Polarity therapy

A 66-year-old client with osteoarthritis of the knees and hands tells the nurse she is
interested in movement therapy. The most appropriate movement therapy for the nurse to
suggest to this client is:

Tai Chi

The client asks the nurse to explain yoga. Which of the following statements made by
the nurse is correct

There are many types of yoga, some of which involve physical activity and some of
which focus on meditation

The nurse working at a holistic health center is asked by a client with severe rheumatoid
arthritis if yoga would be a realistic therapy choice. The nurse should reply

There are many types of yoga that would be realistic for you to try. Let's talk about
the types that would be suited to your needs.

Which of the following persons is practicing Transcendental Meditation

A person who becomes centered, and then repeats a calming phrase

The nurse is teaching guided imagery as a method to reduce anxiety in preoperative
clients. When teaching this technique, the nurse should stress that

Music therapy can be beneficial to my spouse also.

The nurse is assisting a client interested in music therapy. Which of the following statements
made by the client indicates an understanding of this type of therapy?

Music therapy can be beneficial to my spouse also.

A nurse discussing aromatherapy at a community health fair should stress that

Aromatherapy can cause an allergic reaction in some people

Holistic nursing care can benefit the nurse, as well as the client. In order to practice
holistic care, the nurse must first:

Engage in self-reflection

Which of the following examples describes a nurse who is "being with" the client?

A nurse who silently prays with a client when requested to do so

The nurse has formulated a nursing diagnosis for a client with carpal tunnel syndrome
of "Energy Field Disturbance r/t Slowing or Blocking of Energy Flow Secondary to
Repetitive Motion Injury." When planning interventions for this client, the nurse must f

Explain healing touch therapy

Which question should the nurse caring for a Hispanic client ask during the assessment

Tell me how you treat your asthma at home. What treatments work especially well
for you?

When teaching a client the technique of breath meditation, it is important for the nurse
to stress that the client should:

Concentrate on the sensations associated with breathing

In contrast to holistic health care, conventional health care focuses on:

The physical aspects of health deviations

When discussing holistic health care, the nurse should explain that:
a. Empirical research has consistently demonstrated the value of alternative

Self-reports of stress relief related to alternative/complementary therapy are numerous