Study Guide Chapter 21 - Health Assessment

Benign breast disease (BBD)

Condition of multiple lumps or cysts in an otherwise normal breast. Occurs most often in women between the ages of 30 and 50 years. Frequently accompnied by swollen, tender breasts that usually worsen just prior to menses.

Breast cancer

Cancerous tumor in the breast ductal or lobular unit (in situ) or with disruption of the basement membrane (invasive or infiltrating.)


A fluid or semisold sac.


Benign, mobile, well-defined, solid tumor derived from gladular and fibrous tissue.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes, causing swelling.


Breast pain


infection of the breast tissue (often from a blocked duct) accompanied by swelling, warmth, and redness.

Breast extend from the _____ margin to the ________ line, with the tail of each breast extending into its respective ________.

sternal; mid-axillary; axilla

To describe clinical findings, it is best to divide each breast into ______ ________ by imagining ________ and ________ lines that intersect at the nipple.

four quadrants; horizontal; verticle

Within the areola are small sebaceous glands called ________ glands.


_______ ligaments are _____ ______ that extend from the connective tissue to the muscle fascia.

Coopers; fibrous bands

The _______ ________ nodes are located inside the upper arm along the humerus.

lateral axillary (brachial)

The _____ _______ nodes are palpable high up in the axilla at the top of the ribs. These nodes receive lymph from the lateral, posterior, and anterior axillary nodes.

central axillary (mid-axillary)

The ______ _______ nodes lie inside the posterior axillary fold along the lateral edge of the scapulae.

posterior axillary (subscapular)

The _______ _______ nodes are located inside the lateral axillary fold along the pectoralis major muscles.

anterior axillary (pectoral)

Does a lump that has changed in size, shape, texture, or tenderness need further assessment?


Does a bloody nipple discharge need further assessment?


Does a lump that is soft and mobile need further assessment?


Does a new breast lump need further assessment?


Does a lump in the axilla need further assessment?


Does a slight asymmetry in breast size need further assessment?


Does fibroadenoma need further assessment?


Montgomery glands secrete..

protective lubricant.

Lactation after childbirth is stimulated by..

prolactin secretion

A nurse is providing patient education to a group of prepubescent girls at a local elementary school. What would the nurse be most likely to include in the presentation?

Information about the stages of breast development.

While studying the breast and axillae, students learn that variations in the color of the skin and nipple are primarily influenced by...

ethnic background

Benign conditions of the breast include...

fibrocystic changes.

The American Cancer Society currently recommends that palpation of the breast be done in what pattern?


Each gladular lobe in the breast has lobules with milk-producing cells. What cells in these lobules produce milk?

Acini cells.

When teaching the breast self-examination, when should the nurses inform women that it is best time to perform it?

Just after the menstrual period and on the fourth to seventh days of the menstrual cycle.

A male patient presents to the clinic with a complaint of a hard, irregular, nontender mass on his chest under the areola. Upon examination, the nurse notes that the mass is immobile and suspects...


Gynecomastia may occur in an older male secondary to...

testosterone deficiency


Abnormal development of breast tissue in males

When examining the breast of a 75-yr-old woman, the nurse would expect to find...

A granular feel to the breast tissue.

It is important to examine the upper outer quadrant of the breast because it is...

where most breast tumors develop.

A 23-yr-old nulliparous woman is concerned that her breast seem to change in size all month long and they are very tender around the time she has her period. The nurse should explain to her that...

Cyclic breast changes are normal.

A patient with BBD is likely to..

resolve after menopause.

The nurse palpates a find, round, mobile, non-tender nodule and suspects that it is a....


Peau d'orange appearance is highly suggestive of ....

Breast cancer.

Peau d'orange

orange-peel appearance of breast due to edema

The correct position to place the patient to palpate the breast is...

supine with arm over head.