Test 4 Wolf

The act or process of becoming sanctity, of becoming holy

What does sanctification mean?

When you die

When does sanctification end?

He doesn't tell someone to do something He doesn't do himself

What is significant when Jesus tell His followers to do something

Your own desires

It is impossible to pick up your cross without giving up what?

Your plan is better than mine... my life is yours

What do you say to God when you pick up your cross?

1. temptation
3. Activities

What are 3 areas in ur life that may need things removed to truly surrender to God?

People who give their lives occasionally, ppl who are not all in

What kinds of people does God not want to follow Him?

Being all in, believing in Jesus

What does surrender to God require?

Greediness, Anger, impurity, lust, idolatry

List 5 sins Colossians 3:1-7 tells us to get rid of when we follow Jesus?

You become less like the world, and more like Jesus. You will sin less

What happens when you become more like Jesus?


How does sin leave you?

Because it means giving up things from
this world that you desire, Faith takes time.

Why do u believe it takes a lifetime to become fully sanctified in Christ?

Baptism represents showing the people around
you that you are truly a part of God's
Kingdom, and that you are Gods child

What does what Water baptism represent?

It is significant because
a sinful human being, John the Baptist
baptizes Him.

Why is the baptism of Jesus significant?

He commands His disciples to baptize

What command does Jesus give His disciples before He ascends into heaven?

Believing in God

What is one requirement for a person to get baptized

everyone around you

Who are u showing your faith to when u get baptized

After receiving Jesus, as soon as you can

When should a person get baptized

yes, yes bcs it is declaring that you are a child of God. It can inspire others
to get baptized.

Do you believe baptism is important? Do you believe you need to get baptized?

You can share the importance of baptism by doing it yourself, and telling them
that when you get baptized you are Personally declaring you are a child of God.
you can tell them that it can inspire others when you get baptized.

In two sentences, how can you share with someone the importance of baptism?

S= Scripture O=observation A= Application P=pray

What does SOAP stand for?

Communication and accountability

What are two areas that are extremely important When it comes to spiritual growth?

Forsake it

What does the Bible say not to do in regards to church

When you make the most out of it

When is church at its best?

Broken people

What type of people does God use?

Broken people, it is an amazing place filled with broken people

What is the church filled with?


Meeting with other believers is what?

To bring others together, and to worship God in unity

What is the purpose of Church Community?

Serve others

What are we called to do as believers?

Jesus tells His disciples the Great Commission because he wanted His disciples to go make more disciples of all nations, and to baptism in His name.

Why do you think Jesus tells His Disciples the Great Commission?

Living out your God given gifts

When you serve others what are you are you doing?

By going outside of its gatherings to serve the community

How does the local church fulfill its calling?

Short and long term, Short- the mission trip that is brief and helps to open the eyes of young believers. Long- designed for a person to dive into their culture and make it their own

What are the two types of Mission trips and their purposes?

1. Slow Sanctification tires us
2. Holiness has no plan
3. Grace grows in our souls much like Gods kingdom grows in the world
4. Not all progress in righteousness happens
5. Those who settle in sin will not have refuge on judgement day
6. The steps we tak

List items of importance that stood out to you from the article on Spiritual Growth?

The main focus on the spiritual growth article was to let Christians know not to settle in sin, and to remind us that our sanctification is very important. It also mentions to be patient in the Lord. This is the case because it repeatedly reminds us to be

What was the main focus on the Spiritual Growth article?

The best thing I learned in bible this semester is to never take granted for the gifts God has given us. When we talked about the crucifixion, it reminded me that I should be more thankful in the Lord for everything he has done for us. I have learned that

Best thing learned in Bible? Three sent