French 2 Unit 1 Test: Holidays, Channels, Expressions, Verbs and Question Words

How do you say "The First Day of the Year" in French?

Le Jour de l'an
(1er Janvier)

How do you say "Valentine's Day" in French?

La Saint-Valentin
(14 F�vrier)

How do you say "Saint John the Baptist Day" in French?

La Saint-Jean
(24 Juin)

How do you say "The National Holiday" in French?

La F�te Nationale
(1 Juillet for Canada)
(4 Juillet for US)
(14 Juillet for France)

How do you say "Thanksgiving" in French?

l'Action de Gr�ce
(14 Octobre for Canada)
(Changes for US)

How do you say "All Saint's Day" in French?

La Toussaint
(28 Novembre)

How do you say "Christmas" in French?

(25 Decembre)

How do you say "My Birthday" in French?

Mon Anniversaire

How do you say "Not" in French?

Ne Pas

How do you say "Always" in French?


How do you say "Never" in French?


How do you say "Someone" in French?


How do you say "No One" in French?


How do you say "Something" in French?

Quelque Chose

How do you say "Nothing" in French?


How do you say "Often" in French?


How do you say "Still" in French?


How do you say "No Longer" in French?


What is the opposite of toujours?


What is the opposite of quelqu'un?


What is the opposite of quelque chose?


What is the opposite of souvent?


What is the opposite of toujours?


Possessive adjectives follow the gender and number (singular or plural) of what noun in a sentence?

The nouns that follow them.
("Mon chien", since dog is a masculine, singular noun.)

What is the conjugation of �tre? (To be)

Je - Suis
Tu - Es
Il/Elle/On - Est
Nous - Sommes
Vous - �tes
Ils/Elles/Ons - Sont

What is the conjugation of Avoir? (To have)

Je - J'ai
Tu - As
Il/Elle/On - A
Nous - Avons
Vous - Avez
Ils/Elles/Ons - Ont

What is the conjugation of Aller? (To go)

Je - Vais
Tu - Vas
Il/Elle/On - Va
Nous - Allons
Vous - Allez
Ils/Elles/Ons - Vont

What is the conjugation of Venir? (To come)

Je - Viens
Tu - Viens
Il/Elle/On - Vient
Nous - Venons
Vous - Venez
Ils/Elles/Ons - Viennent

What is the conjugation of RE Verbs?

Je - Prends
Tu - Prends
Il/Elle/On - Prend
Nous - Prenons
Vous - Prenez
Ils/Elles/Ons - Prennent

What is the conjugation of Faire? (To do or make)

Je - Fais
Tu - Fais
Il/Elle/On - Fait
Nous - Faisons
Vous - Faites
Ils/Elles/Ons - Font

How do you write a date in French?

Le (Day of the Month) (Month)

How do you say "Who" in French?


How do you say "When" in French?


How do you say "Where" in French?


How do you say "Why" in French?


How do you say "Is it that" in French?

Est-ce que

How do you say "What" in French?

Qu'est-ce que

What is the "Sports Channel" in French?

Un Reportage Sportif

What is the "Musique Channel" in French?

Une Emission de Musique

What is the "Weather Channel" in French?

Un Bulletin M�t�o

What is the "News" in French?

Les Informations

What are "Commercials" in French?

Un Spot Publicitaire

What are "Cartoons" in French?

Un Dessin Anime

What is "Reality TV" in French?

Une �mission de T�l�-r�alit�

What is "Hour" in French?


How would you tell the time in French?

Le (Number) Heure(s)

When two verbs are related...

...just the first is conjugated.
Ex. "J'aime nager", not "J'aime nage".