Story of Jesus Test one


The name given to the audience of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles; it means "lover of God" or "God fearer.

Herod the Great

King of Judea at the time of Jesus' birth; he ordered the massacre of all the baby boys age 2 and under in
and around Bethlehem after he was outwitted by the wise men (see Matthew 2:16-18).


father of John the Baptist, a priest. He was made mute from the time of the angel's appearance until John's birth


mother of John the Baptist, relative to Mary


- the angel who was sent to Mary to give her the good news that she would become pregnant by the power of the Holy
Spirit and that she would give birth to the Son of God (i.e., Jesus)

John the Baptist

a prophet like Elijah; he was Jesus' relative and he was told to "prepare the way for the Lord." He did this
by calling people to repent and baptizing them in the river Jordan. He wore camel hair clothing and ate wild locust and honey.


Mother of Jesus


the father of Jesus (not biologically though); he was married to Mary.


- the "just and devout man" of Jerusalem who encountered Mary and Joseph at the Temple when they came there to
present the baby Jesus. According to the Biblical account, Simeon had been visited by the Holy Spirit and told that he would not
die until he ha


She is a prophet (an 84 year old widow) who prayed and fasted at the Temple day and night. Jesus, though just a tiny
baby, is recognized by Anna as the salvation of Israel.


The city where Jesus Christ was born; it was Joseph's hometown (Luke 2:4). "Joseph went to the City of David
called Bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and family of King David.


Town where Jesus grew up


- The place where Joseph and Mary escaped to safety because of Herod's plan to kill the baby Jesus. They stayed here
until Herod the Great died.


a tax collector who left everything to become one of Jesus' 12 apostles.


- the "Rock." He was a fisherman who became one of Jesus' first apostles


military revolt; we need a political/military uprising to run the Romans out of Jerusalem (Simon the Zealot was one of
Jesus' apostles.

Sadducees (Herodians)

supported Herod and the Roman state
- Rich, upper class
- Accommodated Greek culture
- In charge of the temple
- Did not believe in a resurrection of the dead


go into desert and create an alternate society
- Separatists
- Strict, ascetic lifestyle (like John the Baptist)
- Not mentioned in NT


obey God more strictly. We need fewer prostitutes and drunks (religious right)
- Popular with common people
- Stressed strict observance of the law
- Jesus got into trouble with them a lot
- More interested in ritual than relationship

What did Jesus offer

the Kingdom of God; forgiveness of sins; a spiritual revolution; radical enemy-love. Self-giving, self-emptying
love for the sake of the other.

scribes" or "lawyers

teachers of the law who worked closely with the Pharisees. They copied, studied, and interpreted the Laws of Moses.

Which is the shortest gospel


Which is the most Jewish of the gospels?


Which gospel is written by "the disciple whom Jesus loved


Which gospel has the themes of suffering and highlights the disciples' multiple failures


Which gospel is probably the last one written


Which gospel is thought to be the first one written?


Which gospel was written by a Gentile physician?


Which two gospels use as their sources both Mark and the hypothetical "Q" document (i.e., the sayings of Jesus?)

Matthew and Luke

Which three are the "synoptic gospels" (meaning "to see together")?

Matthew, Mark, and Luke

Did the gospel writers have some freedom to arrange and tell the stories about Jesus in a way that made a certain point or that
made sense to their audiences?

YES. For instance, Matthew quotes the Old Testament a lot because he is writing primarily for a Jewish audience. Luke includes many stories about Gentile characters because he is writing primarily for a Gentile audience.

What does 1:1-4 tell us about Luke's writing process?

He wants to write an "orderly account" of the life & ministry of Jesus based on what he has learned from "eyewitnesses and servants of the word." He is using various source material, including possibly Mark and the hypothetical "Q" document ("sayings of J

What else did Luke write?

Acts of the Apostles (Acts) which recounts the history and activity of the early
(first-century) Church.

What does the name "John" mean

The Hebrew meaning is: "Jehovah has been gracious; has shown favor

What does the name Jesus mean?

The Lord saves

Why do Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem? Why is Bethlehem significant

Mary & Joseph had to go to Bethlehem because Caesar Augustus issued a decree for there to be a census. Everyone had to go to their hometown to be counted for the census & to pay their taxes. Joseph was from Bethlehem and was engaged to Mary so she went wi

What does "Christ" mean

anointed one or messiah

How is the birth narrative in Luke difference from the one Matthew?

Luke has shepherds coming to visit Jesus,
which emphasizes the humility of Jesus; and Matthew features the visit of the Magi or "Wise Men" who bring expensive gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh), which emphasizes Jesus' royalty. The genealogies are also

Why do Joseph and Mary offer a pair of pigeons (or turtle-doves) for a sacrifice at the temple when they go there to
present (or dedicate) Jesus as a baby?

Because this is what was commanded in the Law of Moses if you were poor and could not
afford to offer a sacrifice of a lamb.

What does the 12 yr. old Jesus say when Mary chastises him for being in the temple?

Why were you searching for
me? Didn't you know that I had to be in my Father's house?

What was the nature of John's baptism in Luke? How was it different from Christian baptism (in Acts)?

It prepared the way for the Messiah. It was for the forgiveness of sins. It was associated with repentance. In Acts, when the believers were
baptized in the name of Jesus, they also received the gift of the "Holy Spirit.

What was John's message to the people who came out to the desert to be baptized by him (including the tax collectors and the soldiers)?

You brood of vipers! Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; Do not extort money; and be satisfied with your wages.

Why was Jesus baptized? (See Matthew 3:15)

When "Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" But Jesus answered him saying, "Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to f

With whom does Luke's genealogy end?

Son of Adam, the Son of God

Luke's gospel has an emphasis on the following themes

1) The Kingdom of God;
2) The work of the Holy Spirit,
3) the Prayer life of Jesus,
4) Jesus' love for the poor and the oppressed,
5) Salvation as liberation;
6) God's acceptance of and love
for Gentiles,
7) Jesus' initial acceptance and then rejection by

the 3 temptations of Jesus and how he responds to each one.


To what Old Testament event does Jesus' 40 days
in the desert and his victory over temptation compare?

To the Israelite's wandering in the wilderness for 40 years and failing to trust God. Jesus succeeds whereas Israel failed in their faithfulness.

What things exemplified Jesus ministry?

Liberation, power, healing, reconciliation.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go fre

Why, according to your teacher, does Jesus tell people and demons not to broadcast that he is the Messiah?

They're not ready for the kind of Messiah he has come to be. Jesus knows that at this stage the people don't understand what his kingdom will be like. They are expecting a political kingdom.

What did Jesus often do during the times when he was most popular?

He would often go away to an isolated place and pray to his Father in Heaven (Luke 5:15)

What does Simon Peter do when Jesus directs him to a miraculous catch of fish?

He feels unworthy to be in Jesus'
presence and says, "Go away from me for I am a sinful man.

What kinds of things were the disciples asked to leave behind in order to follow Jesus?

Home, family, jobs, financial
security, personal safety

Who were "the teachers of the law" or "scribes"?

A scribe was more than a mere copyist. They also studied and interpreted the Law of Moses (first five books of the Old Testament). They were also called "lawyers.

What is Jesus preferred term for himself?

Son of Man

What was Jesus' reason for NOT compelling his followers to fast?

Jesus answered, "You can't
make the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them. But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.

What is the basic point in Jesus' conflict with the Pharisees over the Sabbath?

Jews were not allowed to work on the Sabbath and they saw Jesus' healing activity in the synagogue as "work.

Why did Jesus choose 12 apostles?

To correspond to the twelve tribes of Israel.

On what types of people does Jesus pronounce blessings

the poor, the hungry, those who mourn, those who are hated and

upon what type of people does Jesus pronounce woes

the rich, the well fed, those who laugh (while unconcerned for
others), and those of whom everyone speaks well of

What kinds of actions does Jesus say illustrate the extraordinary love he wants his disciples to have?

We are to love our enemies
and do good towards people who cannot repay us. We are to turn the other cheek when provoked. We are to give beyond what is asked of us.

What is the Golden Rule?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

What did Jesus say about judging others?

Do not judge, and you will not be judged. The measure you give will be the measure you get back. Take the log out of your own eye before you go looking for a speck in your neighbor's eye.

What is the difference between a wise and a foolish builder?

A wise builder hears the words of Jesus and puts them into practice. The words of Jesus are a rock solid foundation upon which we can build our lives.

What happens when John the Baptist, while confined to prison, begins to wonder who Jesus really is?

He sends two of his disciples to Jesus to ask him: "Are you the one who is to come (in essence, are you the promised Messiah of God)? Or shall we
look for another?

How had the Pharisees and scribes rejected God's purpose for them?

By refusing to be baptized by John, and by refusing to repent and acknowledge their sins, the Pharisees and the scribes had rejected God's purpose for themselves.

What was the point of the parable of the 500 and 50 Denali debtors?

The one who has been forgiven much loves much more deeply; the one who has been forgiven little loves little.

Know what the different types of soil represent in Jesus' parable of the "soils

The seed is the word of God. The four soils
represent four types of people or "hearts" and how they receive the word of does it penetrate them? (1) The first soil (the hard path) represents those who hear the word; then the devil comes and take

Why does Jesus teach in parables?

A parable is a simple earthly story with a deeper spiritual meaning. Jesus taught in parables because stories are a great way of conveying truth; in Jesus' case, he wanted to relate truths about the Kingdom of God. His parables employed everyday elements

What happens when Jesus meets the man possessed by a "legion" of demons?

Jesus sends the legion of demons out of the man and into a herd of pigs. The pigs then run over a cliff, into the sea and are drowned.

Jesus miracles show that He has power over what four things?

Power over Death, Demons, Disease, and Nature (or Creation).

Do women figure prominently in Luke's gospel?


Why do women figure prominently in Luke's gospel?

To show that the gospel of Jesus and his Kingdom are for everyone: Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female

Don't Forget! (a lot with a little)

Jesus can do a lot with a little and he compels us to "see" all kinds of marginalized people who may be invisible to our society or those whom our society has written off as not being useful or valuable to God.