MARK Delarosa Theology 10 Final Exam

When did Paul probably write 1 Thessalonians

51 AD

Why did Paul feel the need to write this letter?

Timothy's good report

Why are some of the Thessalonians "grieving"?

Their loved ones died

How does Paul respond to their grieving?

They are just asleep

In 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5, Paul uses a metaphor to describe believers and non-believers. What is the metaphor?

Children of the light and dark

What is missing from this letter, after the greeting?

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Paul mentions 3 "pillars" of the Jerusalem Church. Who are they?

Peter, James, and John

Who did Paul "oppose to his face" in Antioch, and why?

Peter, because he had been on trial and condemned

In v. 15, Paul talks about an important OT figure, and he has a unique interpretation of the promise that God makes to this person. Who is this person?


What does Paul claim that the Galatians were "slaves" to before they became Christian?

Things/materials that weren't God

After who was Philippi named?

Philip II of Macedonia

Paul mentions 2 positions of early church leadership in the Greeting of this letter. Who are they?

ministers (deacons) and overseers (bishops)

In Philippians 4:2, Paul urges 2 women to settle their differences. What are their names?

Euodias and Sythyce

Like Philippians, the letter to Philemon was written while Paul was in what?


The letter to Philemon concerns a slave. What was his name?


How many letters do we believe that Paul wrote to Corinth?


Paul claims that married couples should not separate or divorce. From whom does this teaching come?


What historical information does Paul offer in 1 Corinthians Chapter 9 about "the apostles, and the brothers of the Lord, and Kephas"?

They were married

Paul asks the church in Corinth to take up a collection for the Church in what city?


1 Corinthians Chapter 13 deals with entirely one subject. What is it?


Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is..." what?


Whoever is "in Christ" is a "new...what?


A famous passage: "God loves a..." what?

cheerful giver

According to Paul, even Satan can masquerade as what?

Angel of light

How did Paul escape from the city of Damascus, when King Aretas sought to seize him?

he was lowered in a basket over the walls

For Paul, what is the "advantage" in being a Jew?

You have been entrusted with the Word of God

In 10:9 what are the two things Paul says one must do to be saved?

confess and believe

Paul says something starting to the Gentiles in Rome: What is the real reason he glories in his ministry to Gentiles?

To make the people envious

Why does Paul advise the church at Rome to obey even secular authorities?

because their authority has been granted by God

Who is the "sister" Paul commends to the Church at Rome? What was she? What was her title in Greek?

Phoebe, a deaconess; deacanon

What are Jesus' first words in the Gospel?

the kingdom of God is upon us, repent and believe in the Gospel

What are Jesus' words when the paralytic man is lowered down through the roof?

Your sins are forgiven

What do the unclean spirits call Jesus?

Son of God

What do the relatives of Jesus seek to do to him and say about him?

To take him away because he is crazy

Who does Jesus say are his mother and brothers?

Those who do the will of God

When it is said that the daughter of Jairus has died, what does Jesus say?

Have faith; don't be afraid

Who accompanies Jesus into the house?

Peter, James, and John

What did John the Baptist accuse Herod of doing?


How many men were fed according to this first account of this miracle?


What does "ephphatha!" mean?

Be open

Who appears with Jesus at his Transfiguration?

Moses, Elijah

What does Jesus preach about divorce and marriage?

Don't divorce

Where is the first place Jesus visits when he enters Jerusalem?

the temple

Which commandment is the first of all?


What is the second commandment?

Love your neighbor as yourself

Who is the only one who knows when the Second Coming will be?

The Father

What does Jesus say when asked if he is the Messiah?

I am

What psalm does Jesus quote when he says, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Psalm 22

What does Jesus do before breathing his last?

he lets out a great cry

Where does the man in the tomb tell the witnesses that Jesus will meet his disciples?


What is the name of one the first two followers of Jesus? What is his brother's name?

Andrew; Simon Peter

Who tells Jesus there is no wine left for the wedding?

Mother of Jesus

At Chapter 4 Verse 26, Jesus admits what about himself to the woman?

He is the Son of God

How long had the man been ill at the Sheep Gate pool?

38 years

Who does Jesus say will accuse his enemies?


What does the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes have in common with the sign at the wedding in Cana? What does this story have in common with the other Gospels?

Foreshadowing of Last Supper and it was in Synoptic Gospels

Because of Jesus' preaching on the need to eat his flesh and drink his blood what do many of his disciples do?

Go back to their old ways

Who does Jesus say is the father of his enemies?


Jesus' enemies accuse him of being two things. What are they?

Samaritan and possessed

What would happen to someone who acknowledges Jesus as Messiah?

They will be kicked out of synagogues

When does Martha think that Lazarus will rise?

On the last day

Who was high priest that year?


Which prophet does John's Gospel quote from to explain Jesus?


What does jesus do for his disciples at the Last Supper?

Washes their feet

What does Jesus call his followers within chapter 15?


What kind of fire were the slaves and guards standing around?


Who is seated and what is John's Gospel implying with the phrase "seated him"?

Pilate; Jesus is seated on the judgement bench

Who visits the tomb? When does she arrive at the tomb? What does she see?

Mary Magdalen; early morning; the tomb is empty

What does Jesus give his disciples when he sees them after his Resurrection and how does he give it?

Holy Spirit and he breathes on them