
Number of Books in NT


Word Gospel derived from

Anglo-Saxon "god spell' meaning good tidings or news

4 Parts of NT

Gospels (Good News revealed), Acts (Good News preached), Letters (how Good News is lived out by Christians), Revelation (how Christians are persecuted for living out Good News)

Synoptic Gospels

Mark, Matthew, and Luke


from Greek word meaning viewed together

Unlike other Gospels in details and style

John (more figurative and spiritual)

Oldest known fragment of NT

Ryland's Fragment from John:8, 130CE

Other Manuscripts

Bodmer II Papyrus (most of Jonh's Gospel, 200AD) and Beatty Papyrus (most of NT, 300 AD)

Stages of Gospel Development

Lived Stage (what Jesus did when alive, 30-33CE), Preached Stage (preserved orally, spread by Jesus' people, 33-70), and Written Stage (finally written edited and arranged, 50-150 CE)

Symbol of Stages of Gospel Development

ocean floor



Mark Symbol

Desert Lion

Mark Theme


Mark Background

written in Rome during Roman peace, good roads and transportation, common language, spiritual hunger

Mark Opening

a voice crying out in the desert", John the Baptist and an adult Jesus

Mark Author

young man, missionary, knew Peter and Paul, Gentile/ Barnabas' cousin, Paul's coworker, Peter's disciple

Mark Date

70 CE, first Gospel (around time of Nero)

Mark Audience

Gentile Christians of Rome being persecuted

Mark Emphasis

man of action, shows emotion, seen as suffering Messiah, the Christ, Son of God

Luke Symbol

Sacrificial Ox

Luke Theme


Luke Background

written in Greece, Jews are not under persecution

Luke Opening

Zechariah (John the Baptist's father) sacrificing in the temple

Luke Author

physician, Gentile, knows Paul and Mark, not an eyewitness, a Greek convert

Luke Date

75 CE, Second Gospel

Luke Audience

Gentile Christians in Greece, help those already Christian to better understand their faith and roots

Luke Emphasis

Gospel of Mercy and forgiveness, Jesus is a healer (soul like forgiveness, Good Samaritan, Good Chief and body like miracles and curing of blindness, lepers, lame), Gospel of Eternal Salvation, Gospel of the Holy Spirit (drives Jesus), Gospel of Women

Matthew symbol


Matthew theme


Matthew background

probably written in Antioch, Syria (home to sizable Jewish community)

Matthew Opening

genealogy of Jesus (connecting him to Abraham, father of Judaism and David, Israel's greatest king)

Matthew Author

Jewish scribe, maybe Christian convert, probably not the Apostle who was the tax collector

Matthew Date

85CE, third Gospel (after destruction of Jerusalem and temple)

Matthew Emphasis

Jewish Messiah and Teacher (addressed as Rabbi/ teacher, compared to Moses
Jesus is thoughtful and reflective
Jesus came to bring "Kingdom of God" (goes back to Israel first wanting King, concern for others and absolute faith in God, let go of lesser gods

John Symbol


John theme


John background


John Opening

Jesus comes from and goes back to heaven

John Author

Beloved Disciple" probably not John but his community who were very prayful

John Date

90-100 CE, fourth Gospel

John Audience

ALL Christians in Asia Minor

John Emphasis

Jesus is God and word of God (starts by telling us who Jesus is, son of God)
Jesus is strong and powerful (less historically accurate, more reflective)
Jesus came to bring fullness of life
Jesus is divine

begins with eternity


uses mistake technique to teach


Only Gospel that uses "I Am" Passages


Stressing continuation of Jesus's power and presence in Sacraments


shows insight to Jesus and his message, often used as a source of prayer


Four Parts of John

Prologue, Book of Signs (miracles and wondrous deeds), Book of Glory (Last Supper, Passion/Death, Resurrection), Epilogue (Resurrection appearances)

begins with John the Baptist


explains Jewish customs and words


uses form of rhetorical question technique


has different endings


shortest Gospel with ____ verses

Mark, 667

hardest on the apostles


Has two parts which lead up to a profession of faith

Mark (Peter a Jew and a Roman Officer a Gentile)

contains the most events


most chronological narrative positioned in the order they occur


more miracles than any other Gospel


other Gospels quote all but 31 verses of this Gospel


uses of passage to show how Jesus fulfills Jewish phrophecies (Moses and fulfillment, Harod as Pharoah, Mt)


has highly structured format (Chiasmus)



mirror image/ reflective pattern