Prophets Study Guide

What does "nabi" mean? With whom was this word first associated and has been associated with all the prophets since him?

nabi" means prophet; associated with Moses

List the major (latter) prophets.

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel

What distinguishes a major and a minor prophet?

size of book

What are two marks of the prophets?

1) received call from God and felt compelled to leave former way of life to follow it
2) spoke messages that were unpopular with ruling establishment

In general, what was the message of the prophets?

to warn the people to repent for their sins under penalty of punishment if they failed to do so

Who did the prophets inherit their role from?


Jeremiah and Isaiah offered similar objections to God's call, just as Moses had. What was the objection?

they were not good enough to speak for God

True or False. The Judges were considered Prophets.


What was a way to describe the prophets during the time of the kings? Why?

demilitarized judges;" because warfare was the business of the kings

During the time of the kings, what did the prophets become?

spiritually selected messengers of God

What was the "measuring stick" that God would judge Israel by?

how they treated the weakest members of society (widow, orphan, foreigner)

The religious concern of the prophets (serve YHWH and no other gods) was always accompanied by what?

social and political concerns

What is the "messenger formula"?

opening words of a prophetic speech, attributing what follows to God

Who were prophets of the Northern Kingdom who continually called people back to make right the relationship with YHWH?

Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea

What does the name Elijah mean?

the Lord is my God

Who is considered the father of prophets?


In the stories of Elijah, his life demonstrates that YHWH is in control instead of the Canaanite god, Baal. Complete these sentences:
YHWH proved he was the provider of rain by ________________________________.
YHWH demonstrated that the God of Israel was

1) stopping the rain
2) feeding the woman and child (and Elijah himself)
3) healing the child

Why did Jezebel become angry with Elijah?

Elijah proved that God was awesome and she was defeated

How did Elijah meet God on Mount Horeb (Sinai)?

he heard a tiny whispering sound

At the transfiguration of Jesus, who appears?

Elijah with Moses

What is symbolized by Elijah putting his mantle (cape-like shawl) on Elisha's shoulders?


Who was Elijah's return fulfilled in?

John the Baptist

What are the main concerns of Elijah and Elisha?

social justice and religious devotion to YHWH

Which prophet was perhaps the strongest on the issues of Social Justice?


How is "harlotry" used in the Old Testament? (literal reference and the common reference)

literal reference: a woman's illicit sexual behavior
common reference: practice of worshipping Canaanite gods along with YHWH.

What does Hosea's reconciliation with Gomer symbolize?

God's everlasting love

What is the lasting message of the Book of Hosea?

the faithfulness and love of YHWH for his people

To which empire did the Northern Kingdom fall?

Assyrian Empire

Which prophetic book is most quoted in the New Testament?


Did one person write the Book of the Prophet Isaiah or more than one person? How do we know?

more than one person (ex: did not live to see Cyrus but he is mentioned)

What is the Vineyard Song?

An important passage of the Book of Isaiah depicting the Chosen People as the vine of God. This image recurs in the New Testament in the words of Jesus and the writings of the Apostle, Paul.

The readings in Advent and Christmas are taken especially from which prophet?


Look up Micah 6:8 and write it out.

You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.

What decision did Zedekiah make that ultimately led to the downfall of Judah?

led a revolt against the Babylonians

What is Lamentations?

The Book of Hebrew poetry written in response to the devastation in Jerusalem by those who remained behind after the conquest of 587.

When Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple, what most likely happened to the Temple vessels?

placed in the temple of Marduk in the city of Babylon (symbolized the capture of the people and the defeat of their gods)

Were the Jews in the Babylonian exile forced into labor? How do Scripture scholars believe the Jews were treated by their captors?

forced into labor; because of frequent descriptions of exiles as prisoners

In Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of the Dry Bones, what is Ezekiel seeing since it is recorded in the Oracles of Hope section?

the restored Israel

Jeremiah calls the Temple a "den of thieves". Jesus quotes Jeremiah using these same words. What are they both condemning?

corrupt temple practices

Look up Jeremiah 31:33 and write it out.

But this is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after those days�oracle of the Lord. I will place my law within them, and write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

What are the Servant Songs in Isaiah clearly connected with?

mission of Jesus

The Suffering Servant prophecies are fulfilled in whom?

Jesus Christ

When the Jews returned to Jerusalem after King Cyrus of Persia defeated Babylon, did they govern themselves independently or were they under foreign rule of the Persians?

under foreign rule of the Persians

What is the remnant?

The exiles and former exiles who remained faithful to YHWH during the time of captivity and who were expected to restore Jerusalem.

Some of the prophets writing after the exile encouraged the rebuilding of what?

the Temple

What is the powerful message of the Book of Jonah?

God has compassion for all people and not just the Jews