MIDTERM- The gospel of Mark

Technically, the gospel of mark is anonymous, however

church tradition attributed the Gospel of mark to John Mark, based on the preaching of Peter.

Mark was most likely written in..

65-70 AD

The gospel of Mark was originally written in...


The opening episode to the gospel of mark is

the baptism of Jesus at the Jordan river by John the baptist (with no mention of his birth/childhood)

The spirit descends on Jesus like above, and a voice from Heaven declares...?

you are my son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased.

In the gospel of Mark, most of Jesus' public ministry takes place in and around


In mark, he only makes one trip to

Jerusalem- where he suffers and dies

In the gospel of mark, Jesus does many mighty deeds, such as

healings, exorcisms, and some nature healing (most in and around Galilee)

The gospel of Mark has VERY FEW

teachings of Jesus

The largest two sections are..

the parables of the kingdom and the olivet discourse

The central topic of the gospel of Mark is

the kingdom of God- referring to it as both the present and future

Jesus selected twelve of his followers to be his ---, whom he sent out to teach and heal


Jesus refers to himself as this throughout the gospels (only him)

son of man

In the gospel of Mark, Jesus receives a lot of opposition from the Jewish, and is criticized for

forgiving sins and associating himself with sinners, fasting, breaking the sabbath, exorcizing demons, and disregaarding Jewish traditions

According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus' identity, intentions, and mission were misunderstood by ...

his family, religious leaders, his hometown, the crowds, and even his own disciples

Jesus demanded ---- throughout the gospel of Mark for his mighty deeds


Peter identifies Jesus as the


Jesus will be rejected , killed, and raised in


In the gospel of Mark, Jesus calls his disciples to

deny themselves, take up the cross, and follow him

Jesus is transfigured before

Peter, James, and John as he converses with Moses and Elijah on a mountain.

A voice from a cloud declares

This one is my son, the beloved, listen to him.

In the gospel of Mark, Jesus makes a triumphal entry into ----- where he cleanses the temple of anima sellers and money- changers


Jesus predicts

the fall of Jerusalem and the return of the son of man

At -------- Jesus reinterprets the Passover Seder to symbolize his body and blood towards his impending death

The last supper

After the last supper, Jesus agonizes in prayer in -----


In the gospel of Mark, Jesus is arrested by a gang from the temple, after being betrayed by..?

Judas and Iscariot

Lead by the high priest Caiaphas, the jewish leaders condemn Jesus for blasphemy. Outside Peter denies Jesus ---times, as predicted


The next morning, the Jewish leaders and crowds persuade Pilate to release ---- and crucify Jesus.


In the gospel of Mark, the roman soldiers torture Jesus as bing the king of the Jews then crucify him outside the city of


At noon

the skies grow dark

at three pm, Jesus shouts

my god! My god! why have you forsaken me?" and then dies

The temple veil is

torn up from top to bottom

the Centurion declares in the gospel of Mark after the death of Jesus ...

truly this man was god's son

Who retrieves Jesus' body after he dies and buries it in his own tomb?

Joseph of Arimathea

Early Sunday morning the women try to give Jesus a proper burial, but the tomb is

open and empty

A young man in white tells them...

to tell the disciples that this risen Jesus is going before them in Galilee where they will see him

The earlier manuscripts end with the young men talking to the women, however newer versions continue
