A Survey of the New Testament - Chapter 9


The New Testament book authored by Luke besides the Gospel of Luke

first account

What Acts 1:1 calls Luke's Gospel


The name of the man to whom Luke dedicates his Gospel


The religion with which Luke puts Christianity in continuity

Holy Spirit

The person of the trinity to whom Luke pays extraordinary attention


The father of John the Baptist


The mother of John the Baptist


The Latin word for Mary's hymn of praise


The Latin word for Zacharias's prophecy of praise, meaning "blessed


The name of the governor of Syria to whom Luke makes reference in dating Jesus' birth

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

The Latin phrase for the angelic hymn announcing Jesus' birth, meaning "glory to God in the highest


The name of the old man who at the presentation in the temple recognized the baby Jesus as the Messiah

Nunc Dimittis

The Latin phrase for Simeon's praiseful prayer to God, meaning "now dismiss


What balances Jesus' beatitudes in the Sermon on the Plain


The people that resulted from intermarriage between northern Israelites and Gentiles imported by the Assyrians in Old Testament times


The Hebrew word for "peace


The natural phenomenon to which Jesus compares Satan's fall from heaven in the exorcism of demons

the Kaddish

The ancient Jewish prayer that may have provided a basis for the Lord's Prayer

law of primogeniture

The process where an older son gets much more inheritance than a younger son does


The name of the poor beggar in Jesus' Parable of the Rich Man ("dives")

Abraham's bosom

The figurative expression for the heavenly banquet to which Lazarus is transported after his death


The name of the tax collector who promised Jesus he would pay back those he had defrauded four times the original amount

Herod Antipas

The ruler to whom Pilate sent Jesus

Via Dolorosa

The Latin phrase for Jesus' route from Pilate to the place of crucifixion, meaning "the way of sorrow


The name of the town to which two of Jesus' disciples were traveling after his resurrection


The New Testament book authored by Luke besides the Gospel of Luke

first account

What Acts 1:1 calls Luke's Gospel


The name of the man to whom Luke dedicates his Gospel


The religion with which Luke puts Christianity in continuity

Holy Spirit

The person of the trinity to whom Luke pays extraordinary attention


The father of John the Baptist


The mother of John the Baptist


The Latin word for Mary's hymn of praise


The Latin word for Zacharias's prophecy of praise, meaning "blessed


The name of the governor of Syria to whom Luke makes reference in dating Jesus' birth

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

The Latin phrase for the angelic hymn announcing Jesus' birth, meaning "glory to God in the highest


The name of the old man who at the presentation in the temple recognized the baby Jesus as the Messiah

Nunc Dimittis

The Latin phrase for Simeon's praiseful prayer to God, meaning "now dismiss


What balances Jesus' beatitudes in the Sermon on the Plain


The people that resulted from intermarriage between northern Israelites and Gentiles imported by the Assyrians in Old Testament times


The Hebrew word for "peace


The natural phenomenon to which Jesus compares Satan's fall from heaven in the exorcism of demons

the Kaddish

The ancient Jewish prayer that may have provided a basis for the Lord's Prayer

law of primogeniture

The process where an older son gets much more inheritance than a younger son does


The name of the poor beggar in Jesus' Parable of the Rich Man ("dives")

Abraham's bosom

The figurative expression for the heavenly banquet to which Lazarus is transported after his death


The name of the tax collector who promised Jesus he would pay back those he had defrauded four times the original amount

Herod Antipas

The ruler to whom Pilate sent Jesus

Via Dolorosa

The Latin phrase for Jesus' route from Pilate to the place of crucifixion, meaning "the way of sorrow


The name of the town to which two of Jesus' disciples were traveling after his resurrection