HOS I Lessons 153-156, 159-165, 166-180

When is the first deportation to Babylon?

598 B.C.

Who is the Pharaoh that Zedekiah forms an alliance with?

Pharoah Neco

When is the fall of Judah?

586 B.C.

What is the three Expressions of Remembrance in the "Ballad of the Exiles?

Hope in Yahweh, Not to repeat mistake, Return

What type of prophet is Jeremiah? Major or Minor?


What type of prophet is Jeremiah in terms of the exile?

Pre-Exilic and Exilic

Why does Jeremiah decline the call to become a prophet?

He said he was too young

Who is the last king of Judah?


Who is believed to have written the Book of Lamentations?


What does the Book of Lamentations stress?

Petitions, sorrows, consolation, repentance

What are some minor Pre-Exilic themes of Jeremiah?

Interior Spirituality and the Collapse of Judah

What is Jeremiah's major Pre-Exilic theme?


What is Jeremiah's Pre-Exilic image?


Who is the Good Shepherd Jeremiah speaks about?

The Messiah or Jesus

What is the Exilic image of Jeremiah?

Covenant of the Heart vs. Covenant of the Law

What are Jeremiah's Exilic themes?

Return to prosperity, Interior spirituality, Forgiveness, Hope

What type of Prophet is Ezekiel? Major or Minor?


What is Ezekiel also known as?

Father of Judaism

What is Ezekiel's image?

Dry Bones

What do the Bones in the Vision of Dry Bones represent?

Israel or Judah

What does the Bones being dry represent?

Israel or Judah being hopeless

What is Ezekiel's pre-exilic theme?


What is Ezekiel's Exilic theme?

Hope for the Exiles

What does the Book of Lamentations stress on?

Petitions, sorrows, consolation, repentance

What is Jeremiah's Exilic theme?

Return to prosperity

Who is the Persian King?


When did the Persian Empire conquer the Babylonians?

539 B.C.

What is the Persian Method of conquer?

Send the CP back to their own land, create a neutral zone between Persia and Egypt, make the conquered people indebted and loyal

When does Cyrus make the decree allowing the CP to return?

538 B.C.

Who is the King from the tribe of Judah?

King Zerubbabel

When do the CP return from the exile?

537 B.C.

What are the problems for the return?

Don't want to leave, have to rebuild, come back to shambles, have to retake lands, new generation, only 4,600

What was the physical goal of the return?

Rebuild Judah, Jerusalem and the Temple

What was the spiritual goal of the return?

Reform faith and religious practice

Who is in charge of the physical goal of the return?

Governor Nehemiah

Who is in charge of the spiritual goals of the return?

Priest/Scribe Ezra

What book is about Governor Nehemiah?

The Book of Ezra

What book is about Priest/Scribe Ezra?

The Book of Nehemiah

What were the tribes that returned?

Judah, Benjamin and Levi

What group of people sabotaged the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple?


What was the new temple called?

Temple of Zerubbabel or Second Temple

What are the four Major reforms of Ezra in the Book of Nehemiah?

No marriages to foreigners, no work on the sabbath, sanctuary tax, Tithing

What are the main messages for the Prophets of Hope?

Hope for the refugees, religious reform, Messianism

Who is the prophet that Zechariah works with?


What type of prophet are the Prophets of Hope in terms of the exile?


What is the theme of Zechariah?


What is the image of Zechariah?

Riding the donkey into Jerusalem

What does Zechariah's prophecy reference to?

Jesus on Palm Sunday

What does Malachi mean?

My messenger

What is the theme of Malachi?


What does Malachi's prophecy reference to?

John the Baptist

What are the Images of Malachi?

Purification of faith, return of Elijah

What is Joel's theme?


What is Joel's image?

outpouring of the Holy Spirit

What is the reference of Joel's Prophecy?


What is the question of Job?

Why does the good man suffer?

What does Satan mean?

Tempter or accuser

What is the main message of the book of Job?

Remain faithful and trust in God, and you will be rewarded

What is the capital of Assyria?


What is Jonah swallowed by?

A large fish

What is the major theme of the Book of Jonah?


What is the Image of Jonah?

The Sign of Jonah

What is the style of the Book of Daniel?


When is the Book of Daniel written?

The Maccabean Period

Why is the Book of Daniel written?

To give hope to those in persecution

What are some themes of Daniel?

Remnant, Messianism, Monotheism, Man of faith can resist temptation

Who is the "Son of Man" in the Book of Daniel?

The Messiah

Who are the three men who refuse to worship the statue?

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

Who is the fourth man in the fiery furnace?

Azariah or Daniel

What does Deutero-Isaiah mean?

Second Isaiah

What is Deutero-Isaiah's major theme?


What is Deutero-Isaiah's minor theme?


What is Deutero-Isaiah's image?

Suffering Servant

What is the image of of Hymn IV?

Lamb led to slaughter

What is the reference of the Return?

John the Baptist

What is the reference of Hymn I?

The Baptism of the Lord

What is the Messiah given in Hymn II?

A name and a mission

What is Hymn III called?

The Suffering Servant Hymn

What is the image of Hymn IV?

Lamb led to slaughter