Sorgwe quiz 3

Assyrian empire

Conquered by the babylonian empire

Babylonian empire

Conquered by the Persian empire

400 BC

When Malachi was prophesying

Old Testament ends in

The post exilic period

400 years

Years passed between the time of Malachi and the time of our Lord

Intertestamental period

The 400 years between the Old Testament and the New Testament
Also known as "The Silent Years

Persian empire

Conquered by the Greek empire (Alexander the Great) very quickly, Greek became the "lingua franca" of the then known world.


Make Greeks out o non Greeks


Pax Romana (Peace of Rome)

Alexander the Great died

Four of his generals would divide up the vas greek empire. Ptolemy I (Ptolemaic dynasty, he ruled from Egypt). Seleucus I (Seleucid dynasty, he ruled from Syrian Antioch). At first Jews were under the Ptolemy's but eventually the seleucids would rule over

The Septuagint (LXX)

Greek translation




Origins to Zeno. The adherents met - a stoa or porch in Athens.




They did not believe in the resurrection and afterlife, nor in the existence of angels and spirits. The temple was under their control and leadership


Unlike the sadducees, the Pharisees believed in the resurrection and afterlife, and in the existence of angels and spirits. The synagogues were under their control and leadership


The Qumran community, which most likely produced the Dead Sea scrolls, is largely identified as a community of Essenes. This sect is not mentioned in the Bible.

Herod the Great

He was declared "King of the Jews" by the Roman Senate in 40 BC
He rebuilt (expanded and refurbished) the temple in Jerusalem (hence the name 'Herod's Temple").
This was the Temple that was standing in New Testament times.
He sent soldiers to kill all mal


It was for fear of him that, on returning from Egypt, Joseph avoided Judea and took Mary and the boy Jesus to Nazareth in Galilee where they lived. (Matthew 2)

Herod Antipas

He improvised John the Baptist and, in fulfillment of his vow, had JOhn the Baptist beheaded in prison. (Matthew 14)
Our Lord was tied by him when our Lord was sent to him by Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governenr of Judea. (Luke 23)

Herod Philip

He rebuilt the city of Panias which renamed Caesarea Philippi (where peter made his great confession) in honor of Augustus Caesar and himself.


Original language of New Testament


# of books in the NT

Divisions of the New Testament

Acts of the Apostles
Pauline Epistles (Letters)
General Epistles (Letters)

The gospels


Administrative Districts

Galilee (rued by Herod Antipasto)
Samaria (rules by Archelaus)
Judea (ruled by Archelaus)

The 12 Apostles

Simon Peter
James, son of Zebedee
John, son of Zebedee
James, son of Alphaeus
Simon the Zealot
Judas Iscariot

John Mark

Author o the gospel of Mark

Matthew, the tax collector

Author of the gospel of Matthew

John, the apostle, the son o fzebedee

Author o the gospel of John

The seven "I AM" metaphors of our Lord in JOhn

I am the bread of life
I am the light of the world
I am the gate of the sheep
I am the good shepherd
I am the resurrection and the life
I am the way, he truth, and the life
I am the true vine

Johns purpose for writing the gospel

That people may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God
That by believing people may have eternal life


The last prophet

Before Christ


Anno Domini

AD- in the year of our Lord

The greek rulers of palestine

Alexander the Great
Ptolemy I (Egypt)
Seleucus I (Antioch, Syria)




Conservative --> hellenization

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Leader of hellenization , he forbid the free practice of the jewels he religion


Became leader after Matthias died

Maccabaeus (the hammer)

Judas's nick name and also he gave name to the Maccabean Revolt

722 BC

Fall of Samaria to the Assyrian Empire

586 BC

Fall and destruction of Jerusalem to the Babylonian empire

538 BC

Cyrus' edict

333 BC

Alexander the Great conquers Persians

167 BC

Antiochus IV Epiphanes desecrates the Temple

164 BC

Rededication of Temple after successful campaign of Judas Maccabeaus

63 BC

Roman General Pompey takes over Land of Palestine

AD 70

Roman General Titus destroys the Temple

1st Temple

Solomon's Temple

2nd Temple

Zerubbabel's Temple

Herod's Temple

Another temple

Instances when our Lord took only Peter and the Sons of Zebedee with Him

The raising of Jairus' daughter from the dead
The Transfiguration of our Lord
Our Lord's Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane

The people our Lord raised from the dead

Jairus' daughter
The widow's son at nain

Rededication to the Temple

Feast of Hanukkah

586 BC

First temple destroyed

516 BC

Second temple completed (Zerubbabel's temp;e)

Zechariah and Elizabeth

John the Baptist's parents

Angel Gabriel

Prophesied the special son of Elizabeth and Mary

Luke 2

Birth of Jesus
Roman Empire-Caesar Augustus
Prophecy of Jesus being born in Bethlehem completed

Matthew 2

Story of the wiseman and the star
King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus

40 days old

When Jesus was presented in the Temple

30 years old

When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in the River Jordan