ABBOT HEALTH- QUIZ 3 (stress management/suicide prevention)


any change that we just adjust to

are responses to stress predictable?


what are the three stages of stress

alarm, resistance, and exhaustion

what happens during the alarm stage of stress?

the body prepares for a physical reaction with the "stress response

the alarm stage is also know as...

fight or flight stage

physical changes that occur in the alarm stage

adrenaline, breathing, increased heart rate and blood pressure, tense muscles, and sweating

what happens during the resistance stage?

the body tries to restore balance (homeostasis)

your body uses a lot of energy to restore ___________ during the resistance stage


what happens during the exhaustion stage?

your body and mind become susceptible to illness

why does your body become susceptible to illness and disease during the exhaustion stage of stress?

your immune system becomes weakened

to relieve stress we should...

put stress filters into play so we don't feel the stress as much

psychosomatic disease

when organs act up due to unmanaged stress

type a personality

more prone to stress disorders if a healthy balance is not maintained

type b personality

more relaxed

long term effects of unmanaged stress include...

ulcers, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, drug abuse, and mental instability

the two eating disorders that unmanaged stress can cause are...

anorexia and bulimia

the two biggest causes of mental health issues are..

use of substance and unmanaged stress

physiological symptoms of unmanaged stress are...

pounding heart, sweaty palms, nausea, high blood pressure, and stomach pains

one way to resist the alarm stage is to..

take a deep breath

stress management filters are...

eat nutritionally, 8 hours of sleep, exercise daily, spend time with family/friends, relax, breathe slowly, and believe in yourself

1 out of ___ young people suffer from some form of diagnosable mental illness


Teens diagnosed with depression are ___ times more likely to attempt suicide than adults


Suicide is the ____ leading cause of death among people ages 10-24


suicide kills over ____________ people a year


roughly ____% of individuals are affected by substance abuse


does mental disorders or substance abuse come first?

often it is the mental disorder

__ out of __ young people that contemplate or attempt suicide exhibit clear warning signs

4 out of 5

___-___% of people that seek the necessary form of mental health treatment can function normally


over ___% of young people do not talk about or seek help for mental health problems


what is one of largest barriers preventing young people from seeking the health (referring to mental health)?


what are the 6 levels of suicide

suicidal feelings, impulses, gestures, an ambivalent attempt, a serious attempt, and completion

What are the warning signs of suicide?

pleas for help, talking about it, asking questions about death, depression, drastic changes (in sleeping, eating, and personality), and drug use

what are the two most common symptoms of clinical depression?

persistent sleep disturbances and fatigue

you should get help of you have several of the following symptoms, including sleep disturbances...

persistent sad or empty mood, loss of interest in ordinary activities, difficulty making decisions, feelings of pessimism, thoughts of death or suicide, excessive crying or irritability, and chronic aches

___% people give verbal warning of suicide


(true or false) people who talk about killing themselves rarely commit suicide


(true or false) few professional people kill themselves


dentists, physicians, lawyers, and pharmacists commit suicide ____ times as often as nonprofessionals


(true or false) talking about suicide will make the person suicidal


(true or false) suicide is against the law in this state


(true or false) alcohol and drugs can increase impulsivity and suicide


(true or false) thoughts of suicide stimulates the brain's right hemisphere


(true or false) people in crisis often seek nonspecific medical attention


about ___% of people who commit suicide will visit a physician within three months prior to killing themselves


(true or false) improvement after a crisis means that the risk is over


after a crisis, the greatest risk of relapsing into a suicidal state is _____ months after an individual recovers


(true or false) depressed people are have greatest suicidal risk


(true or false) people with suicidal thoughts are fully intent on dying


(true or false) suicide is a problem that is with someone for a lifetime


(true or false) suicide rates are increasing among the young


(true or false) winter months have the highest suicide rates


which two seasons have the highest rate of suicide

summer and spring

(true or false) girls attempt suicide three times as often as boys


(true or false) boys kill themselves four times more often than girls


(true or false) someone in the US attempted suicide when you took this test


someone attempts suicide every ________ minutes

2 1/2