International Economics Ch. 4

The specific factors model was developed by

Paul Samuelson and Ronald Jones

The curve of the PPF in the specific factors model represents the

diminishing returns of labor

The fundamental reason that trade potentially benefits a country is that

it expands the economy's choices

Like the simple Ricardian model, the specific factors model

assumes an economy that produces two goods and that can allocate its labor supply between the two sectors

In each sector of a S.F. economy, profit-maximizing employers will demand labor up to the point where

the MPL times the price of the product equals the wage rate

When the price of cloth increases by 3% and the price of food does not change

the output of food falls

For trade to take place, a country must face a world relative price that is

different from the relative price that would prevail in the absence of trade

When opening up to trade, an economy

exports the good whose relative price has increased and imports the good whose relative price has decreased

When an economy is open to trade, the relative price of a good is determined by the

relative supply and demand for the world

Trade has ambiguous effects on

mobile factors

For a trading economy, the budget constraint is

tangent to the PPF at the chosen production point

Within each country that opens itself to international trade

some factor owners gain, but other factor owners lose

Which of the following is NOT an example of the international factor movement?

Direct foreign investment
International trade in intermediate goods**
Labor migration
International borrowing and lending

Movement of labor from a foreign country to the home economy

increases the MPL in foreign

According to the one-od model, international mobility of labor

increases the world output

The Ricardian two-country two-good model predicts that there are potential benefits from trade, but not

the effect of trade on income distribution

International trade can have important effects on the distribution of income because

some resources are immobile in the short run

A factor of production that cannot be used outside of a particular sector of an economy is a(n)

specific factor

The degree of a factor's specificity is directly related to

the amount of time required to redeploy the factor to a different industry

In the specific factors model, a country's production function is _______ because of _______

a curved line ; diminishing marginal returns

Upper right quadrant in the four-quadrant diagram is


Upper left quadrant in the four-quadrant diagram is

production function for food

Bottom right quadrant in the four-quadrant is the

production function for cloth

Bottom left quadrant in the four-quadrant diagram is the

labor allocation

When a country's labor market is in equilibrium in the specific factors mode, the wage rate

will be the same in both sectors

In the S.F. mode, which will increase the quantity of labor used in food production?

an increase in the price of food relative to that of cloth

An increase in the price of good A, assuming no increase in the price of good B, will cause

good A wages to increase by less than 5%, production of good B to decrease, production of good A to increase

A country not currently engaged in trade would benefit from trade only if

pre-trade and free-trade relative prices are not identical

The overall welfare effects of trade are ____ if _____.

positive; those who gain can compensate those who lose and still be better off

Those who will lose from free trade are _____ factors in sectors that produce goods that are _____.

immobile; also imported

The effect of trade on specialized employees of import-competing industries will be ____ jobs and ____ pay because they are relatively ____.

fewer; lower; immobile

There is a bias in the political process against free trade because

those who lose from free trade are better organized than those who gain.

In modern economies

restrictions on international labor mobility are common.

Immigration into the U.S. over the past century has caused the percentage of immigrants in the U.S. population to

fall steadily until the 1970s and increase thereafter.

MPLc * Pc =


Slope of the Production Possibilities Curve =