International Business Ch. 9 Key Terms

Capital market

system that allocates financial resources in the form of debt and equity according to their most efficient uses


loan in which the borrower promises to repay principal plus interest


debt instrument that specifies the timing of principal and interest payments


part ownership of a company, the shareholders takes part in the company's financial gains and losses


shares of ownership in a company's assets that give the shareholders a claim on the company's future cash flows


payments made out of surplus funds


ease with which bondholders and shareholders may convert their investments into cash

International Capital Market

network of individuals, companies, financial institutions and governments that invest and borrow across national boundaries

Information technology

reduces the time and money needed to communicate globally and allows for 24-hour electronic trading


increases competition, lowers transaction costs, and opens up national financial markets

Financial Instruments

growth has resulted from securitization, which is the repackaging of hard-to-trade financial assets into more liquid, negotiable, and marketable securities

Offshore Financial Centers

country or territory whose financial sector features very few regulations and few if any taxes

Operational center

Extensive financial activity and currency trading

Booking Centers

mostly for bookkeeping and tax purposes; Funds simply pass through these centers on their way to large operational centers

International Bond Market

Market of bonds sold by issuing companies, governments, and others outside their own countries


Bond that is issued outside the country in whose currency the bond is denominated

foreign bond

Bond sold outside a borrower's country and denominated in the currency of the country in which it is sold

interest rates

Driving growth are differential interest rates between developed and developing nations

International Equity Market

Market of stocks bought and sold outside the issuer's home country

cyber markets

stock markets that have no central geographic locations, global trading activities conducted on the internet

eurocurrency market

market consisting of all the world's currencies that are banked outside of their countries of origin

Interbank interest rates

interest rates that the world's largest banks charge one another for loans

Foreign Exchange Market

market in which currencies are bought and sold and their prices are determined


Insure against potential losses from adverse exchange-rate changes


Instantaneous purchase and sale of a currency in different markets for profit


Sequential purchase and sale (or vice-versa) of a currency for profit


To facilitate transactions, invest directly abroad, or repatriate profits

exchange rate

rate at which one currency is exchanges for another

bid quote

price at which it will buy

ask quote

price at which it will sell

bid-ask spread

difference between the two quote rates

quoted currency

the numerator in a quoted exchange rate

base currency

the denominator in a quote exchange rate

Cross Rate

exchange rate calculated using two other exchange rates

spot rate

exchange rate requiring delivery of the traded currency within two business days

forward rate

Rate at which two parties will exchange currencies on a specified future date


financial instrument whose value derives from other commodities or financial instruments

Currency Swap

simultaneous purchase and sale of foreign exchange for two different dates

Currency option

right to exchange a specified amount of a currency on a specified date at a specified rate

Currency futures contract

requiring the exchange of a specified amount of currency on a specified date at a specified rate with all conditions fixed and not adjustable

Vehicle currency

currency used as an intermediate to convert funds between two other currencies

Interbank market

Market in which the world's largest banks exchange currencies at spot and forward rates

Securities Exchange

specialize in currency futures and options transactions

Over the Counter Market

global computer network of traders and other participants with no central trading location


process of aggregating the currencies that one bank owes another and then carrying out the transaction

Convertible (hard) currency

currency that trades freely in the foreign exchange market with its price determined by the forces of supply and demand


involves exchanging goods or services without using money