International Econ


What percent of all world production of goods and services is exported to other countries?

Intra-European Union trade exceeds International Trade of the European Union.

The gravity model offers a logical explanation for the fact that

trade between Sweden and Germany exceeds that between Sweden and Spain.

The gravity model explains why

the distance between them.

According to the gravity model, a characteristic that tends to affect the probability of trade existing between any two countries is

linguistic and/or cultural affinity.
historical ties.
sizes of economies.
mutual membership in preferential trade agreements.

In general which of the following tend to promote the probability of trade volumes between two countries

Large economies tend to have large incomes and tend to spend more on imports.

Why does the gravity model work?

This fails to be consistent with the gravity model since these are small countries.

We see that the Netherlands, Belgium, and Ireland trade considerably more with the United States Many other countries.

This is consistent with predictions from gravity models.

The two neighbors of the United States do a lot more trade with the United States than European economies of equal size.


Since World War II (the early 1950s), the proportion of most countries' production being used in some other country


Since World War II, the likelihood that foreign markets would gain importance in the average exporters as a source of profits


Since World War II, the likelihood that any single item in the typical consumption basket of a consumer in the U.S. originated outside of the U.S.


Since World War II, the likelihood that the job of a new college graduate will be directly or indirectly affected by world trade


Since World War II, the relative importance of raw materials, including oil, in total world trade

is relatively small.

In the current Post-Industrial economy, international trade in services (including banking and financial services)

primary products including agricultural.

In the pre-World War I period, the U.S. exported and United Kingdom imported primarily

manufactured goods.

In the pre-World War I period, the United Kingdom exported primarily

manufactured goods.

In the present, most of the exports from China are in

Does not explain the extent of trade between Ireland and the U.S

Gravity model