International Business Chapter 2

What are the top 3 countries in economic freedom

2 singapore
3 Switzerland

What is a way for a firm to identify potential growth opportunities?

Listening to changing customer demands and monitoring your environment

Explain the economic transformation in vietnam

- Moving from centrally planned socialist economy to a more market oriented system
- 1986 Vietnam was one of the poorest counties in the world
- Agricultural land privatized; state farm collectives dismantled
- Farm productivity surged, price controls rem

Different ways that countries vary by

- economic development
- cultural, education, and skill levels
- Political economic and legal systems -> political economy
- societal culture affects the political economy and the political economy shapes societal culture

Whats the key difference between a democracy and a republic

- Lies in the limits placed on government by the law, which has implications for minority rights.
- both forms of government tend to use a representational system
- Citizens vote to elect politicians to represent their interests and form the government.

Understand how the political systems of countries differ

Political systems: the system of government in a nation
- Can be assessed in terms of the degree to which they:
- Emphasize collectivism as opposed to ndividualism
- Are democratic or totalitarian

What is totalitarianism

Every aspect of peoples lives must be controlled to preserve order

What is pluralism

Both private and public groups need to balance each others power


Only individuals and private groups can preserve personal liberties

Political systems - collectivism

- A system that stresses the primary of collective goals over individual goals
- the needs of the society as whole are generally viewed as being more important than individual freedoms
- Can be traced to greek philosopher plato (the republic)
- today is s

Political systems - socialism

- modern socialists trace their roots to karl marx
- advocated state ownership of the basic means of production, distribution, and exchange
- the state then manages the enterprises for the benefit of society as a whole

Political systems - communists and social democrats

- in early 20th century socialism has split into communists and social democrats
Communists : socialism could only be achieved though revolution and totalitarian dictatorship
Social democrats : worked to achieve the same goals by democratic means
Many sta

Political systems - individualism

Def: individuals should have freedom over their economic and political pursuits
- individual freedom and self expression
- letting people pursue their own self interests to achieve the best overall good for society
- Democratic systems and free

Political systems - democracy

Democracy : political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives
Representative democracy - elected representatives votes on behalf of constituents

Political system - totalitarianism

Totalitarianism: form of government in which one person or political party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life, and opposing political parties are prohibited
In most totalitarian regimes:
- there is widespread political repression

Forms of totalitarianism

1. communist totalitarianism - advocates achieving socialism through totalitarian dictatorship
2. theocratic totalitarianism - political power is monopolized by a party, group, or individual that governs according to religious principles
3. Tribal totalit

Economic systems

- political ideology and economic systems are connected
- the market economy the command economy and the mixed economy

Market-based economic system

In countries where individual goals are given primacy over collective goods

State-owned enterprises and restricted markets

are common in countries where collective goals are dominant

Pure market economy

The goods and services that a country produces, and the quantity in which they are produced is determined by supply and demand
- supply must not be restricted by monoplies
- the role of government is to encourage free and fair competition between private

Command Economy

The goods and services that a country produces, the quantity in which they are produced, and the price at which they are sold are all planned by the government
- all business are state owned, and have little incentive to control costs and benefits
- becau

South koreas economy

Centralized, single party, and tightly controlled dictatorial command economy

Economic systems - mixed economy

A mixed economy includes some elements of a market economy and some elements of a command economy
- govt take over troubled firms considered vital to national interests
- airlines, utilities, military and special production facilities
- the number of mixe

Legal systems

The legal system: rules, or laws that regulate behavior, along with the processes by which the laws of a country are enforced
- a countrys legal system
- regulates business practice
- defines the manner in which business transactions are to be executed

Different legal systems

Common law - based on countries legal history, precedent, and custom
- found in most great Britains former colonies, including the US
Civil law - based on detailed set of laws organized into codes
- found in more that 80 countries including Germany, Franc

Legal systems - property rights and corruption

Property rights - the legal rights over the use to which resources is put and over the use made of any income that may be derived from that resource
Private action - theft, piracy, blackmail, and the like by private individuals or groups
Public action - p

1. What is meant by corruption? Explain how a corrupt political system affects the well being of a country. What are the implications of corruption for Nigeria?

Discussion Points: Corruption in Nigeria involves open and systematic plundering of the nation's state treasury. Bribery is also a regular part of business. In fact, the situation in Nigeria is so dismal that Transparency International ranked Nigeria one

With its huge oil reserves and large population, Nigeria was expected to emerge as a major player in Africa. Yet today the country is extremely poor with little expectation for an economic turnaround any time in the near future. Explain how Nigeria came t

Studies show that countries with high levels of corruption have lower inward foreign direct investment, lower levels of international trade, and poor levels of economic growth. Nigeria is a perfect example of this type of country. Political strife resulti

Clearly, Nigeria's corrupt government has been a major factor in the country's demise. In contrast, other countries including Finland and Canada expressly prohibit corruption. In your opinion, would Nigeria be better off following the example of countries

Discussion Points: Many students will probably suggest that even if Nigeria explicitly prohibits corrupt behavior, it is unlikely to have little effect on the real way of doing business in the country. Other students however, may note that Nigeria's newly

Legal systems - the foreign corrupt practices act

- illegal to bribe a foreign government official in order to obtain or maintain business over which the foreign official has authority
- all publicly traded companies must keep detailed records so that it is clear whether a violation of the act has occurr