Global Business Chapter 1

What is Globalization?

the trend towards a more integrated global economic system

What is globalization of markets?

the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace

Example of globalization of markets

coca cola

what is the globalization of production

the sourcing of goods and services from locations around the globe to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production

Example of globalization of production

boeing and vizio

What are the 4 global institutions>


What are global institutions

manage, regulate, and police the global market place
promote the establishment of multinational treaties to govern the global business system

the world trade organization

polices world trading system and ensures nations adhere to the rules established in WTO treaties

International Monetary Fund

maintains order int he international monetary system

World Bank

promotes economic development

United Nations

maintains international peace and security, develops friendly relations among nations, cooperates in solving international problems and promotes respect for himan rights, and is a center for harmonizing the actions of nations

General Agreement of trade and tariffs

regulated world trade until 1994

what is driving the move toward greater globalization?

1. declining trade and investment barriers
2. technological change

international trade

occurs when a firm exports goods and services to consumers in another country

foreign Direct investment (FDI)

occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home country

what technological change have increase globalization

web based transactions
cheaper shipping

In the 60s the Us dominated what?

world trade, FDI, multinationals, and economy

in the early 1960s

Us dominant industrial power accounting for about 40.3% of world manufacturing output

by 2008

us accounted for only 20.7%
rapid growth in countries like china, india, and brazil

what is stock of foreign direct investment

total cumulative value of foreign investments

who is the largest recipient of FDI


what is a multinational enterprise

any business that has productive activities in two or more countries

what are mini multinationals

small or medium sized companies that have activites in two or more countries

What are the concerns of the critics of globalization

anti-globalization protesters now turn up at almost every major meeting of the global institution
fear that globalization is forever changing the world in a negative way
fear that power will shift from national governments and toward supranational organiz

what do supporters of globalization view

promotes greater prosperity
more jobs
lower prices for goods and services

what 4 ways do managing an international business from a domestic?

1. countries differences require companies to vary their country by country
2. managers face a greater and more complex range of problems
3. international companies must work within the limits imposed by governmental intervention and the global trading sy