Bus Comm 5-6

copyright protection

the exclusive legal right to produce, distribute, and sell that creation

the "you" attitude

speaking and writing in terms of your audience's wishes, interests, hopes, and preferences

___________ communication generally requires more tact than oral communication



words or phrases that express a thought in milder terms that convey your meaning without carrying negative or unpleasant connotations; are unethical if they obscure the truth

bias-free language

avoids words or phrases that unfairly and even unethically categorize or stigmatize people in ways related to gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, or personal characteristics

to appear fair, avoid these types of bias:

gender bias, racial and ethnic bias, age bias, and disability bias


a measure of your believability, based on how reliable you are and how much trust you evoke in others

to build your credibility, emphasize these characteristics:

honesty, objectivity, awareness of audience needs, credentials, knowledge, and expertise, endorsements, performance, sincerity


a statement on your behalf by someone who is accepted by your audience as an expert

communication style

involves the choices you make to express yourself: the words you select, the manner in which you use those words in sentences, and the way you build paragraphs from individual sentences


overall impression; can range from informal to conversational to formal

conversational tone used in most business communication

plain language that sounds businesslike without being too stuffy or too laid back

plain language

presents information in a simple, unadorned style that allows your audience to easily grasp your meaning; language your audience can understand the first time they read it

active voice

the subject performs the action and the object receives the action; better for business communication

passive voice

the subject receives the action; better when you want to soften bad news, put yourself in the background, or to create an impersonal tone

_________ is the first consideration when choosing words


_________ is the second consideration when choosing words


denotative meaning

the literal, or dictionary meaning; explicit, specific

connotative meaning

includes all the associations and feelings evoked by the word; implicit, associative

abstract word

expresses a concept, quality, or characteristic; usually broad, encompassing a category of ideas

concrete word

stands for something you can see, touch, or visualize; may or may not have a physical presence (example: software)

avoid cliches, which are

terms and phrases so common that they have lost some of their power to communicate


newly coined terms often associated with technology, business, or cultural changes; use sometimes


the specialized language of a particular profession or industry; usually an efficient way to communicate within the specific groups that understand it; is meaningless to those who aren't familiar

powerful words are those that are

specific, clear, and dynamic; lots of nouns and verbs, not adjectives and adverbs

choose powerful and _________ words


simple sentence

has one main (independent) clause (a single subject and a single predicate)

a compound sentence

has two main (independent) clauses that express two or more independent but related thoughts of equal importance; usually joined by and, but, or or

a complex sentence has

one main (independent) clause and one subordinate (dependent) clause

a dependent clause cannot

stand alone as a sentence

a compound-complex sentence

has two main (independent) clauses, at least one of which includes a subordinate clause

you can emphasize ideas in a sentence by

devoting more words to them, putting them at the beginning or at the end of a sentence, and by making them the subject of the sentence


focusing on a single topic


presenting ideas in a logically connected way

most paragraphs consist of

a topic sentence that reveals the subject of the paragraph, related sentences that support and expand the topic, transitions that help readers move between sentences and between paragraphs

the support sentences are more _______ than the topic sentence



connect ideas by showing how one thought is related to another

transitional elements include

connecting words (conjunctions), repeated words or phrases, pronouns, words that are frequently paired

five ways to develop a paragraph:

illustration, comparison or contrast, cause and effect, classification, problem and solution


giving examples that demonstrate the general idea

comparison or contrast

using similarities to develop the topic

cause and effect

focusing on the reasons for something


showing how a general idea is broken up into specific categories

problem and solution

presenting a problem and then discussing the solution


usually set overall document parameters such as page size and provide a specific set of styles to use


refers to a standard block of text that is reused in multiple documents

pull quotes

a piece of text copied from the main body of the document and formatted as a large, eye-catching visual element

completing business messages (the third step of the three step writing process) involves four key tasks:

revising your message to achieve optimum quality, then producing, proofreading, and distributing it

the ____________ and _____ of a message usually have the greatest impact on your readers, so make sure they are clear, concise, and compelling

beginning and end

Fletch-Kincaid Grade Level score

computes reading difficulty relative to grade-level achievement

using shorter words and simpler sentences can improve ____________


You can also improve readability by

making the document interesting and easy to skim

you can make a document easier to skim by

varying sentence length, using shorter paragraphs, using lists and bullets instead of narrative, and adding effective headings and subheadings

short sentences have

up to 15 words or so

medium sentences have

15 to 25 words

long sentences have

more than 25 words

short sentences can be

processed quickly and are easier for nonnative speakers to interpret

medium sentences show

the relationships among ideas

long sentences are best for

covering complex ideas, listing multiple related points, or summarizing and previewing information

short paragraphs are usually ___ words or fewer



a series of words, names, or other items; are effective tools for highlighting and simplifying material; items in a list should be parallel

parallel items

all follow the same grammatical pattern


a brief title that tells readers about the content of the section that follows


subordinate to the headings, indicating subsections with a major section

headings and subheadings serve to

show the organization of your material, draw the reader's attention to key points, and show connections between ideas

descriptive headings

identify a topic but do little more

informative headings

guide readers to think in a certain way about the topic

self-contained informative headings are ones that

readers can read without reading the rest of the document

hedging means

pulling back from making a confident, definitive statement about a topic

if you hedge too often, you undermine your


camouflaged verbs are verbs that

have been changed into nouns; they often increase the length of a sentence without adding any value

to edit for conciseness:

delete unnecessary words and phrases, shorten long words and phrases, eliminate redundancies, and recast "it is/there are" starters

the production quality of your message

the total effect of page or screen design, graphical elements, typography, etc.

to achieve an effective design, pay careful attn to the following design elements:

consistency, balance, restraint, and detail

white space

any space that doesn't contain text or artwork, both in print or online; use a lot of it to increase the chances that readers will read your messages

justified margins

they are flush, or aligned vertically, on both the left and right; best to avoid in most business documents

flush left & ragged right margins are usually used in

business documents


refers to the physical design of letters, numbers, and other text characters


a set of characters in a given typeface

serif typefaces

have small crossbones (serifs) at the ends of each letter stroke (example: Times New Roman)

Type style

refers to any modification that lends contrast or emphasis to type, including boldface, italic, underlining, color, and other highlighting and decorative styles

multimedia document

contains a combination of text, graphics, photographs, audio, animation, video, and interactivity (such as hyperlinks that access webpages or software programs)

information architecture

the structure and navigational flow of websites and other multimedia documents

desktop publishing software

goes beyond word processing, offering more advanced and precise layout capabilities that meet the technical demands of publication-quality printing

most business letters are printed on letterhead stationery, which

includes the company's name, address, and other contact information

letters typically have the following elements:

preprinted letterhead stationery, date, inside address, salutation, complimentary close, signature block